Do spambots speak Esperanto?
de 3rdblade, 2010-aprilo-23
Mesaĝoj: 9
Lingvo: English
3rdblade (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 05:55:30
On another note, if spambots are speaking Esperanto now, is that like another notch on our belt? Can we be a tiny bit proud of that?
Hauxkins (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 07:41:43
I guess we can be proud of that in a backwards kind of way.."Hey, other languages! We have the same problems as you now!"
jan aleksan (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 07:44:29
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 09:33:10
The Esperanto was bad, but the logic was worse. This god-inspired-clay-born man not only was a hermit in an extreme sense (he must have just happened across $6 billion lying on the ground) but he also apparently lived in a country where there were no banks to store his money in with a government who doesn't like accepting it's own money

3rdblade (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 10:14:57

Perhaps this is a case of hontinda fiero...
erinja (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 12:10:30
I have encountered people with rudimentary knowledge who regularly made a nuisance of themselves on Esperanto forums/chats/blog comment posting/etc. Not sure how you necessarily distinguish between a spambot and an extremely annoying person!
There have also been hoaxes/cons in Esperanto. People tend to want to believe that someone is being genuine if they contact you in Esperanto, but it isn't always the case. There was some kind of con artist a few years back who was asking foreign Esperantists for (expensive) printer cartridges because he claimed he was translating their beloved national literature into his language. The same guy, some time later, was asking other Esperantists for money for an orphanage that didn't exist. So people do bad things, even in Esperanto, and it's good for everyone to be aware of that.
Info about the Esperanto con artist
darkweasel (Montri la profilon) 2010-aprilo-23 13:40:08
In other words: Once people receive spam messages in Esperanto every day, we've reached the fina venko.

Revanto (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-04 18:44:03
ceigered (Montri la profilon) 2010-majo-05 06:12:45
Revanto:I thought that we'd reach la verda venk' once muggers would demand Vian monon aŭ vian vivon!Or better: "Vi mon a' vi viv!" (the mugger better hope that their would-be-victim isn't a grammarian!)