Meddelelser: 6
Sprog: English
Kodegadulo (Vise profilen) 14. sep. 2011 04.11.40
1.234 x 10^56
In English we'd pronounce this "one point two three four times ten to the fifty-sixth power". What's the equivalent formulation in Esperanto?
Also, what's the Esperanto translation for the term "scientific notation"? I hazarded a guess that it was "scienca nombresprimo".
geo63 (Vise profilen) 14. sep. 2011 06.02.55
scientific notation = scienca skribmaniero
sudanglo (Vise profilen) 14. sep. 2011 10.38.41
I would have thought that 10 je la potenco de 56 would be fine.
On the next page, PAG gives a to the x as 'iksgrada a' or 'ikspotenca a'
So it seems that there are various possibilities for referring to powers of a number.
As someone has already replied to your question in the Esperanto forums, the Esperanto convention for the decimal point is komo (eg 2.5, two and a half, is du komo kvin).
Dot, as when speaking of web addresses, is punkto (eg Lernu punkto net).
For 'multiplied by' you could use 'oble' or 'multiplikite de', or variants.
I quite like (for 1.234 x 10^56) unu komo du tri kvar obligita per dek je la potenco kvindek ses.
Although, probably, most people would say du dividita de tri for two divided by three, I quite like the use of 'per' rather than 'de' for complex mathematical operations, such as your example.
sudanglo (Vise profilen) 14. sep. 2011 11.13.23
So, if you want to be 'skemisma' you could say scienca (skrib)signaro, but it is quite likely that many European languages have a word like 'notacio' - the French use the same word as we do.
darkweasel (Vise profilen) 14. sep. 2011 11.16.20
sudanglo:As do German speakers.
So, if you want to be 'skemisma' you could say scienca (skrib)signaro, but it is quite likely that many European languages have a word like 'notacio' - the French use the same word as we do.
marcley93 (Vise profilen) 2. mar. 2016 21.15.28
Go to this link and scroll down to 10^66 and 10^69.
Vortoj por grandegaj nombroj
So 1,234 x 10^56 [1.234 x 10^56 in the English system] would be expressed as "unu como du tri kvar oble dek alt kvindek ses".