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Esperanto Material for Nook e-reader

од NJ Esperantist, 13. октобар 2011.

Поруке: 21

Језик: English

NJ Esperantist (Погледати профил) 13. октобар 2011. 17.00.35

I am seriously considering getting a Nook e-reader because my Franklin Bookman is dying after 20 years of faithful use. I do not want to go all the way to an ultra-connected handheld computer. I just need an e-reader. I prefer the Nook because of the lack of that external keyboard.

Question for Nook-owning Esperantists: What materials are available for the nook. To start, I'd want an English-Esperanto dictionary (two way is better,) and La Sankta Biblio.

My Bookman was a dedicated Bible with an expansion slot in the back. In it I usually had either a the Columbia concise encyclopedia or the Merrian Webster dictionary. I'm sure that THOSE are available in English, but I'm curious of what materials are out there for Esperanto.

Antaŭdankon pro la respondoj!

erinja (Погледати профил) 13. октобар 2011. 18.11.39

I don't have a Nook but I assume it can read PDF files.

You can download the Bible in PDF format here:
(it's not one unified file, it's divided into several files)

Donniedillon (Погледати профил) 13. октобар 2011. 19.55.02

Check out the Project Gutenberg Esperanto Bookshelf. There are several dozen titles. Just download the EPUB format and enjoy!

PS. You needn't limit yourself to Epseranto titles. Project Gutenberg is a GREAT resource for lots of titles on any number of topics. Just grab any EPUB formated title. sal.gif

NJ Esperantist (Погледати профил) 14. октобар 2011. 23.21.13

Looks like pretty much everything I need is available. The dictionary available on Project Gutenberg should do as mostly I want something to look up common, but odd words.

markotraviko (Погледати профил) 18. октобар 2011. 04.05.23

Donniedillon:Check out the Project Gutenberg Esperanto Bookshelf. There are several dozen titles. Just download the EPUB format and enjoy!

PS. You needn't limit yourself to Epseranto titles. Project Gutenberg is a GREAT resource for lots of titles on any number of topics. Just grab any EPUB formated title. sal.gif
Wow! Thanks for that link buddy!

Aplonis (Погледати профил) 03. септембар 2014. 01.20.24

Try here: Eldonejo Mistera Sturno

You will find translations of five short stories and two whole novels. All are fantasy and science fiction by Hugo-winning author Jack Vance. The formats available are EPub, AZW3, Mobi and PDF. EPub is the one for Nook. EPub, in fact, works most eReaders. AZW3 is for Kindle Fire and Mobi for older Kindles.

As of this edit, I am now also beginning a translation from Clifford D. Simak.

leporinjo (Погледати профил) 03. септембар 2014. 03.44.46

Here's a NOOK book in Esperanto for 99 cents:


It's a translation of a contemporary American poet who's quite good.

bartlett22183 (Погледати профил) 03. септембар 2014. 17.37.19

I have a Barnes&Noble Nook Tablet, the original model which is supposedly a little more "souped up" than just the e-reader. Mine reads PDFs perfectly well (a little resizing is sometimes useful), and I have at least one free E-o book, Privat's "Life of Zamenhof." Others have recently pointed out other resources. There are especially a number of good ones available as PDFs. (I recently started Piron's "La Bona Lingvo." ) E-readers and tablets are excellent for taking along plenty of reading material in variety.

marco_ (Погледати профил) 03. септембар 2014. 18.03.26

I use Kobo as e-reader and I converted the Reta Vortaro to use in Kobo. When I read a PDF, I always must type the word in the dictionary. When I read epub, sometimes I can just touch the word to see its definition in the Reta Vortaro.

robbkvasnak (Погледати профил) 07. септембар 2014. 04.18.04

How much did you pay for the Kobo? Do you think that I can also get books from Brazil (in Portuguese)? I just read Brasil em Alta and was blown away.

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