Pesan: 40
Bahasa: English
Coyoteki (Tunjukkan profil) 2 Agustus 2007 17.01.53
I really need to get out of here, 'cause I'm making an off topic. I apologize.
At first glance, both of you seems to be potter maniacs, and me a Christian. I thought Harry Potter's readers would have more vocabulary than a colloquial phrase.
Is not the case of erinja and shawna. Thanks for your time.
Oh...I don't think Harry Potter is "evil-minded", I said it turns evil-minded when capitalist publishing company distributes them per millions, because the mind manipulator is astute, he thinks: "I can distribute this, this book won't give any knowledge against me and my treacherous plans, readers will talk about this over and over...actually, I will get millions dollars to make imminent the oxygen industries"
Yesterday, I told to some friend:
Me: Why do you read Harry Potter? It is useless, don't you think so?
It: Do you have pleasure learning esperanto?
Me: No. It's love for people.
It: Becuase pleasure is not just to make some funny things, or eat delicious meals, or...
Me: Anyways, I read to learn esperanto for pleasure or not. But I'm learning. You don't. You get inside in a world that is not ours.
It: Did you see the bread?
I think so. Reading is better than watching tv, but just to have healthy eyes. A book is its content. Is Harry Potter'life so relevant? Many children grow with Harry Potter, as JK Rowling says. But, does it mean it's good? Somebody can make a lot of publicity about...Alf Tanner, and it could be the new hero of children.
Reading has the same performance as tv, the obfuscation of virgins minds, it's just other thoughtless way to do so.
And about defacing someone's wall with graffiti, it would be great if someone draw "Let the world talk the same language, let's learn esperanto", it's with didactic intentios, the wall's owner should be proud.
I didn't know about Wicca till 1 minute ago, when I saw a report about it in wikipedia.
I guess I am Chatolic Christian, although I am open to all religions. I don't use to go to church and don't read the Bible.
I don't think Harry Potter teaches witchcraft, but witchcreaft would be nice instead of dollarcraft.
Parents do good protesting the book, but they don't have the right explanations.
The content of the books is complex. It have a deep meaning, sometimes a different meaning for each person. There are rebels, there are not rebels...but we don't have to complicate about a world is not ours. To read biographies of notables persons won't turn me up notable. Usually, stories show us a happy ending, because they want us to feel good, but it's a way to soothe multitudes. Gentry spend millions dollars to show a happy ending in the fiction films, not in reality.
Oks. I wouldn't like to read Harry Potter, but if that's a way to learn esperanto for the others, then I choose "Yes, please".
Expecto Patronum to readers!
erinja (Tunjukkan profil) 2 Agustus 2007 17.37.31
I don't see the problem with getting inside a world that is not ours. As a child, I read many children's books from the Victorian era. It was a world that was not mine. They featured games that no one plays anymore, vocabulary that no one uses anymore, and technology that no longer exists. That world is gone and will never be back. It is not my world. I suppose that it was wrong to read those books, then? I think it's possible to learn just as much from something like Harry Potter as from those old children's books. You can learn morals and improve your vocabulary, and even learn some Latin words.
And I suppose you'd be so joyful if someone took a can of bright red spray paint and painted all over your home "Learn Esperanto" and "Join the Communist Party" and "Capitalism solves all of your problems," because all of those slogans are designed to teach your something, right? It's with didactic intentions so you should be proud, right? Even if you did not, in fact, want red marks sprayed all over your house, no matter what it said?
Miland (Tunjukkan profil) 2 Agustus 2007 19.45.55
Doing a little digging on the internet, I find that opinion on Harry Potter among christians is sharply divided. I can understand some disapproving of her books, because a world of magic and sorcery are their major theme. But others like them and affirm their essentially moral nature. A third view which has its appeal for me recommends the example of Daniel, who became expert in pagan culture without imbibing its false values. That is, Potter books are to to be viewed with discernment.
Philipe (Tunjukkan profil) 2 Agustus 2007 21.26.18
erinja (Tunjukkan profil) 3 Agustus 2007 14.45.17
Saluton Philipe
La libro jam tradukiĝis sed ankoraŭ ne eldoniĝis pro kopirajtaj problemoj.
Coyoteki (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Agustus 2007 07.31.53
By the way...I think it's essential to use emoticons to show up our temper. : P
There's nothing better than discuss, to reason. ;D
Oks. Now I am serious. Please, realize that I love you and my life goal is to help everybody.
Erinja, I mean that the current industries has the purpose to destroy the ozone layer.
We already know the 3 powers among the humanity, the 3 original powers, in this right order: Theological power (religions), Political power (order) and Economical power (administration of natural resources).
Economical power is more than that, it became a Capitalist power. It administrates what you are going to eat, and besides what you wear, how to mobilize, what to think, what etcetera, what you are now.
Today, the Economical power reign the world. Actually, Economical power leads the Political power; and force the people to promote a legitimate violence, by using industries and violate any kind of life.
Economical power decreased the Theological power and its original virtuousness. Also, Economical power finances militaristic wars between religions, nowadays.
We need to be political, not among the people and its arranged rights with economical power intentions, but with the life.
Instead of a policy of life, there is a policy of human rights which is a pseudo freedoom to make us obliged Dependents of the Economical power.
Going back in time, the destruction of the ozone layer is the key to give birth and infite climax to the thoughtless Power...the Power to sell oxygen , the Power to give life, oxygen industries.
Not even the gentry nor the phrase "live and let die" are safe. In that case to "live" difinition will be to serve, to "die" to "disobey".
"Serve and let disobey".
But you ask oneself: "What does Harry Potter book have to do with all this?".
To distract, to obfuscate, to satisfy us our senseless desires, to fill us up with emotions and invented pseudo feelings, in a word Entertainment or Complexity is one of the the rights hands of the Economical power.
What to do? To get inside into a unworldly book? To conserve the common lifestyle?
The Economical power must adapt to the right of life, free oxygen. Not indirectly as not killing explicitly people, although Economical power is accomplice.
Non-motorised or ecomotorised stuff is an answer. Let's work on it.
I hope you don't bet left breathless now nor tomorrow.
leper (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Agustus 2007 11.30.51
Only topic though, I enjoyed the HP series so much I think it would be a fantastic tool for learning Esperanto
Miland (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Agustus 2007 13.32.08
Coyoteki:This reminds me of the rogue general in the film Dr. Strangelove who believed that there was a Communist conspiracy to poison the bodily fluids of Americans through their water supply.
We need to be political, not among the people and its arranged rights with economical power intentions, but with the life...
Going back in time, the destruction of the ozone layer is the key to give birth and infite climax to the thoughtless Power ...the Power to sell oxygen , the Power to give life, oxygen industries....
Believing that some people want to destroy the ozone layer so that they can then make money selling oxygen, while arranging our distraction by encouraging entertainment like Harry Potter, is little better, to my mind, than believing that Bush engineered 9/11.
You (Coyoteki) say that you love and want to help everybody. Good. Then you need to make sure sure that you are not believing nonsense, or you might harm yourself and other people instead, and I am sure you would not want that. Therefore, I hope that you will look much more seriously into how experts evaluate evidence for and against any theories, and not be too ready to jump to the conclusion that a conspiracy by government or capitalists is responsible for a given problem.
Perhaps the right kind of serious academic study at a local university, where you go with the intention of learning from experts, and learning how to evaluate evidence in a given field, might help, and show you the value of objective points of reference outside yourself.
Good luck.
erinja (Tunjukkan profil) 4 Agustus 2007 15.47.13
In any case, it has become ever more clear that there is no economic benefit to destroying the environment. Through environmental protection, everyone benefits - even the companies. An increasing number of companies are seeing this, even in the US, and more and more companies are adhering to more strict environmental rules than the government requires. In the end, it is cheaper to be environmentally friendly from the beginning than to clean up the mess after you have destroyed an ecosystem.
Furthermore, it is to everyone's benefit to have wholesome entertainment such as books - like Harry Potter - sports, clubs, activities around. Who cares if Harry Potter doesn't really exist, and there is no such thing as a hidden wizard community that flies on broomsticks? In communities with a lack of entertainment options, there tend to be a lot of directionless youths hanging around and using drugs or committing crimes. So I don't really know how you could say that entertainment is a bad thing. Especially when it is something like a book, which will help increase your vocabulary, give you a lifelong love of reading, and ultimately increase your reading comprehension skills, which are necessary for nearly any profession.
Coyoteki (Tunjukkan profil) 5 Agustus 2007 06.39.28
If the owner's oxygen industries has the power to give birth to humans, it won't be under any policy (order) or ethics.
What are religious wihtout oxygen? What are politicans without oxygen? What are capitalists without oxygen? What are you without oxygen? A slave of the oxygen industries owner.
What does Dr. Strangelove make wonder that the Comunist target's drinks common water?
We don't have to believe to the destruction of the ozone layer. It's a reality.
Oxygen industries are not looking for money, but Power to give life, Power to administrate any kind of life.
News is one of the rights hands of the Economical power. We can not lose one's head looking for the author of an anonymous letter.
We learn History to don't make the mistakes of the past (or any other purpose), but is not hard to identify the history development's.
If the ozone layer gets destroyed, experts can tell me:
1- We are gonna die.
2- Oxygen industries.
3- Human is going to evolve, we won't need oxygen.
It's evident that Economical power is the responsible of the life violation, its contaminatings industries and its success with its multimillion audiovisual comunication and publicity.
We are not talking about the possible author of all this, we are talking about its act. We don't wanna say "I should 've been a plumber", right?
A first step to control this situation is to decrease Economical power, its overweight in the world, and to bring alternatives to all kind of goods by using non-motorised, ecomotorised, or simple engineering.
I just saw erinja reply's. ;D
We don't know with certainty what could happen without the ozone layer. As you can see, a lot of problems (organisms need's to live) could happen.
By the way, there are not reals ozone holes yet. Those places named "ozone holes" have a lower concentration of ozone than the average, that's all.
O2 + radiación UV -> O + O O + O2 -> O3
(From wikipedia)
O2 plus UV changes, mutates, whatever. Other elements can change too.
The ozone layer is well placed up there, not in the deep of the Troposphere.
There's a high economic benefit if industries use the cheapest and most contaminants stuffs as fuel instead of electricity, for example.
Environmental protection is useless. The right to violate the world good health's is worth some millions dollars or euros.
Highest companies don't use to be related with enviroment.
A book seems to be inoffensive. If that kind of entertainment is "good" as pleasurable, it would change something among readers, not to be the same dazed people on its way to extinction.
To be sportive, to do sports is good.
The sport Entertainment is other kind of stuff. Manipulating people, its concept of patriotism and fanaticism is an easy way to make stronger the Economical power.
Entertainment intoxicates the women's face and body. A proof of how the Economical power entertain us harmfully.
I think to be up in the clouds is no benefit to anybody. While one who don't drugs, other one who do drugs can commit a crime with the healthy one.
It's one's choice to be up in the clouds, to do nothing with the cold conscience about those youths hanging around and using drugs or committing crimes as you say.
I guess drugs do hallucinate those youths, so do books. Okay, books do not do any physical damage to the body, But the main objective is reached, to be daydreaming.
Why does someone have to increase its literary vocabulary if it's gonna be inhuman and inconsiderate with the others, with oneself?
Culture drive us so far away from reasoning.
Economical power keep winning followers to the industries with those "intelligents" professionals, once a venturous reader.
Before the comprehension skills and start reading we must improve in know right from wrong.
Zamenhof himself, in letters he later wrote to his correspondents, declared that the idea to create an international idiom started to grow in his mind being still a kid, in front of the spectacle of the violent proceedings that he saw every day; Zamenhof was said: "if the men hate themselves it's because they don't understand themselves; the solution would be a one common idiom for everybody". Afterward, himself realized that the problem was more complex than it seem to be at the beginning; the men hate themselves because of idiom diversity's; but also there are more prejudices of race, nationality and religion which separated the men. [Translation from spanish to english. Article from Eduardo Vivanco,]
Oh Erinja, Shawna, Miland...I don't know what to say. I could be totally wrong. I think is necesary to talk about everything. But sometimes the talking point is savage.
I know this is not the right place to be talking about all these. That's why I invite you to:
I'm gonna translate all the messages to esperanto as spanish-esperanto and english-esperanto. I hope can familiarize with other languages and to receive help to do other languages-esperanto translations. Everything with the hope to help someone with the esperanto.
Mi estas komencanto, sed mi faros la pli bona ebla.
Any correction of my text is welcome. ;D