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Језик: English
ochen (Погледати профил) 23. август 2013. 21.38.13
Moosader (Погледати профил) 07. септембар 2013. 22.57.28
Bemused:Hi.Since I want to hear Esperanto dialog audibly to get used to how it sounds and try to emulate it myself, I've created a playlist of what I know of on YouTube with spoken dialog)
Does anyone know where/if I can find an Esperanto text to speech program that uses a real human voice?
It would be a great help in learning to speak the language correctly and avoid developing bad habits that would then have to be unlearned.
[url=www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL9Kj-MdBMaPArqbCg7Q8G8XTAA_83R_la]YouTube Playlist[/url]
RiotNrrd (Погледати профил) 07. септембар 2013. 23.14.12
Not precisely on-topic, but you know...
DOCENKO_Dmitrij (Погледати профил) 10. октобар 2014. 15.31.54
Christa627 (Погледати профил) 10. октобар 2014. 18.48.23
darkweasel:Parolu has bad quality, unfortunately, but it’s probably better than nothing.That link is 404 not found. Try this one.
Not very on-topic, but on this page I also found this manual alphabet thing and though it was cool.
Christa627 (Погледати профил) 10. октобар 2014. 19.11.57
But as I told my friend, I'm sure it would be easier to make a program to read out Esperanto, than to make a program to read out English, on account of E-o's regular phonetics.
Alkanadi (Погледати профил) 13. октобар 2014. 14.06.47
A good way to listen to esperanto is with this website. You can go to the stories, for example, and click the blue speaker icon to listen to someone reading.
Try this link and just click the blue speaker icon in the left top of the page.