Поруке: 17
Језик: English
Bemused (Погледати профил) 07. јануар 2012. 09.17.33
Does anyone know where/if I can find an Esperanto text to speech program that uses a real human voice?
It would be a great help in learning to speak the language correctly and avoid developing bad habits that would then have to be unlearned.
1Guy1 (Погледати профил) 07. јануар 2012. 09.54.53
Bemused:Hi.It might be helpful to add whether you are using Windows, Linux or Mac & which version.
Does anyone know where/if I can find an Esperanto text to speech program that uses a real human voice?
It would be a great help in learning to speak the language correctly and avoid developing bad habits that would then have to be unlearned.
Bemused (Погледати профил) 07. јануар 2012. 10.09.21
1Guy1:For Windows 7, if that helps.
It might be helpful to add whether you are using Windows, Linux or Mac & which version.
erinja (Погледати профил) 07. јануар 2012. 13.09.44
In my opinion your best bet is to focus on listening to recordings of a written text, done by an actual person. Read it through in your head, then listen to it and see how the actual person pronounces it in a natural voice.
Some of the Vere aŭ Fantazie stories in lernu's library are accompanied by recordings.
darkweasel (Погледати профил) 07. јануар 2012. 13.19.51
According to a parallel German-language thread, you can use ivona’s Polish voice and replace:
Fenris_kcf (Погледати профил) 07. јануар 2012. 15.14.11
Bemused (Погледати профил) 09. јануар 2012. 03.40.08
Thank you, very helpful.
alonsososo (Погледати профил) 09. јануар 2012. 21.38.41
ochen (Погледати профил) 05. мај 2013. 20.00.33
alonsososo:Try Esperanta Retradio.(http://www.start.at/retradio) There You can listen every day to a new text and you can also read it. It is slowly spoken.Is there a new site for Retradio?
Moosader (Погледати профил) 06. мај 2013. 04.10.55
eSpeak is a TTS lib with Esperanto as an included language. (You can install espeak-gui for a graphical program w/ Esperanto available)
Festival is another TTS lib, and it appears to have an Esperanto voice, too.