შინაარსის ნახვა


ShannonCC-ისა და 15 ნოემბერი, 2013-ის მიერ

შეტყობინებები: 41

ენა: English

orthohawk (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 28 მაისი, 2014 20:06:38


FTR it's not Middle English, it's Plain Speech. "Thee" is the subject AND object form (like "you" is the subject AND object form nowadays) and it goes with the third person, just as "you" goes with the (originally) third person form (the "proper" form ends in a -t). The days of the week are "Resurrection, Second Day, Third Day, Midweek, Fifth Day, Sixth Day, Sabbath" and the months are known by the numbers instead of the pagan names.
I thought that Quakers only used Plain Speech with other Quakers?
Who said anything about being a Quaker?

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