Mesaĝoj: 14
Lingvo: English
Bemused (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-20 08:30:03
I would not blame that person for now thinking that Esperantistoj are to be avoided at all costs.
Is there some way that an individual can render an entire thread invisible to themselves and vote for it to be deleted from the board?
Oijos (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-20 08:43:44
EDIT: To what thread are you referring to? I think that people are way too reluctant at creating new threads. If (read when) a new thing appears in a thread, please create a new thread.
Bemused (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-20 09:31:00
Ulsterano (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-20 11:35:36
makis (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-20 11:48:19
Ulsterano:If that had been me twenty-five years ago as a young, bright-eyed student, I'd have turned around pronto and never returned.He did. He hasn't been active since 12-08. A mere three days after the thread was started and long before the real idiocy began.
What a shame!
kaŝperanto (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-20 18:26:31
It's hard to believe how many off-topic discussions ended up working their way in there. A lot of the problem was due to the posts by Rargos/senideano/voxclamantes, who was almost certainly the same person using multiple accounts. They posted using Rargos and voxclamantes in this thread, but senideano was present in a few other discussions. The ci vs vi discussion was a bit intrusive as well. I can see how finvenkistoj vs Raumistoj would be relevant to the title of the thread, but upon reading the original post this should clearly have been seen off-topic, since a prospective beginner will not even know about these or care about their relevance.
It seems like everyone brought their own grievances to that thread without any concern for the original poster's question.
I hope he/she continues the quest. Esperanto is about more than just these forums, after all.
Ulsterano (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-21 14:35:09
kaŝperanto:That vote up/down feature was sorely needed in that thread.Sounds like a good idea to me.
jismith1989 (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-21 14:49:38
Ulsterano:I agree. It adds to the community aspect too. Obviously, it doesn't mean that the majority opinion is always right, but it's good to be aware of it.kaŝperanto:That vote up/down feature was sorely needed in that thread.Sounds like a good idea to me.

Maybe a good feature would be a button where you could vote to have a post moved to a new thread too (well, to bring it to the attention of the moderators who could then move it if they wanted), then the community can help to organise the forums.
Nile (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-21 15:49:27
jismith1989 (Montri la profilon) 2013-decembro-21 15:52:06
Nile:People who are planning on posting something off-topic(without realizing its offtopicness) would upvote the off-topic posts they agree with. If one of the "vote" buttons is labeled "off-topic", then I think that some would see it and reconsider posting.Well, that's the problem with democracy, right? The idiots vote for idiots.

Besides, I'd be careful of trying to herd people to stay absolutely on-topic all the time, so long as the discussion is fairly productive, because that's how proper conversations naturally work, isn't it, one topic leading to another based on what everyone's saying (and sometimes those links can be useful or interesting even though other people hadn't necessarily considered them)...
There's always a balance to be struck.