Mesaĝoj: 16
Lingvo: English
makis (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-02 15:39:57
Right now, the first two lessons are up. Hopefully it will be useful to somebody somewhere and won't attract too much hate mail...

orthohawk (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-02 16:06:45
makis:They say the best way to learn is to teach! So, I figured that while I'm working my way back through A Complete Grammar of Esperanto, why not make some YouTube videos from it?If thee wants to continue with this, I would strongly suggest making sure the "o" doesn't come out as "o-oo" like it does when thee says "po-oo-moh-oo)" what thee's saying in the vid would be written as "poŭmoŭ" in Esperanto.
Right now, the first two lessons are up. Hopefully it will be useful to somebody somewhere and won't attract too much hate mail...
Also, work on getting rid of the aspriation with the voiceless occlusives (p, t, k).
One last: "al" sounds more like English "all" than the name "Al".
makis (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 14:17:59

orthohawk:If thee wants to continue with this, I would strongly suggest making sure the "o" doesn't come out as "o-oo" like it does when thee says "po-oo-moh-oo)" what thee's saying in the vid would be written as "poŭmoŭ" in Esperanto.Hmmm, I'm not sure what you're saying it should be. Maybe ɔ in IPA?
One last: "al" sounds more like English "all" than the name "Al".I'm guessing you mean with "mal"? I've been trying to get rid of it but it likes to creep back in!
michaleo (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 14:31:21
Hmmm, I'm not sure what you're saying it should be. Maybe ɔ in IPA?It should be /o/ in IPA. Esperanto has 5 clear vowels. You can read about the pronunciation here.
Rikat (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 15:39:42
makis:They say the best way to learn is to teach!If you know very little about a topic you are not qualified to teach it; you will mislead others due to your incomplete understanding of the material. "The best way to learn is to teach" is a statement that does not stand up to examination.
Moosader (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 18:18:48
* If you're following the specific book, A Complete Grammar of Esperanto, you might consider doing any spoken English yourself, and having a more experienced person do the Esperanto readings. Then, they can be two individual characters that are talking throughout the lesson. (I'm doing exactly this for my Ido language videos).
* Secondly, definitely create content; you don't need to be a master in order to make vlogs, cartoons, comics, games, etc. But - remember to let people know that you are a beginner, and make sure you have your work reviewed for tips. I'm not the type who would say, "review all your work before publishing it publicly"; I think specifying that you're new is enough.
* If you have any questions on video editing, game development, drawing, etc. let me know. You can send me an email at - I do this sort of thing a lot in general. You could possibly also be apart of the Esperanimeo Blog, if you're interested, but for the blog itself I'd suggest getting things reviewed prior to posting.
lagtendisto (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 19:26:41
Rikat:"The best way to learn is to teach" is a statement that does not stand up to examination.I assume, makis did mean: "That what someones can not explain to others, that someones didn't understand completely". Somebody who explains something also is learning through that self done explanations.
lagtendisto (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 19:29:54
makis:Right now, the first two lessons are up. Hopefully it will be useful to somebody somewhere and won't attract too much hate mail...I very like that kind of spoken 'hotspot pointer'-presentation. What screencast application did you use?
makis (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 20:27:26
It's interesting because I don't know what context to put it in. Whether if it's from a misunderstanding of the saying "the best way to learn to teach" is to imply that I'm an absolute beginner (6+ months studying). Or someones first comments about a slight mispronunciation and the rest comment about that but haven't watched the video. The usual hyperbole on these boards. Or, heck, maybe my Esperanto really is incomprehensible gobbledegook !

So, I'm still at square one with the exception of trying to learn how to unaspirate voiceless occlusives!
makis (Montri la profilon) 2014-januaro-03 20:28:34
michaleo:It should be /o/ in IPA. Esperanto has 5 clear vowels. You can read about the pronunciation here.That's what I thought and after listening to and reading the examples and closely listening to how I say it. It seems like it's the same, except I have a tendency to go "oh"?