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When did Criticism of Raŭmismo become taboo?

от sudanglo, 13 января 2014 г.

Сообщений: 63

Язык: English

lagtendisto (Показать профиль) 18 января 2014 г., 19:33:30

robbkvasnak:I appreciate your attempts to write in English but it takes me a long time to understand fully what you want to say. I really don't mean this in any way to slight you but your texts attest fully to the difficulties in writing in a language in the society of which you do not live.
Thats your personal style to advertise for Esperanto language, isn't?
robbkvasnak:And insist that your elected officials speak German in public and not the gibberish I hear on Deutsche Welle. They sound much more elegant in their mother tongue than in their weak attempts to speak (British) English.
You probably not know: Our elected officals speak 'gibberish English' to confuse your NSA folks. Btw. English native speaker are not measure level for International English communication.

Oijos (Показать профиль) 18 января 2014 г., 21:02:29

Admin: Slurs against national groups are not allowed in the forums.

bartlett22183 (Показать профиль) 18 января 2014 г., 21:35:24

leporinjo:As a weird leftist, I can't help but posit that perhaps Esperantists are thought of as "weird"/"abnormal" or far-to-the-left because of the way Esperanto simplifies communication. Simple, clear and precise communication is the best possible defense against fascism. Maybe that's why you always have these sorts of debates in the English forum- if you tried to word them in Esperanto, they would be seen immediately for how absurd they are.

The way Esperanto eliminates the barriers of communication between cultures and allows everyone to talk on an equal level is the reason a "Fina Venko" is extremely, extremely unlikely. No modern state actually wants that- at least not one with any power.
I am an older Usonano, and within Usona politics I would probably be considered a rightist. I make no apology for that. I strongly support a law to make English the official language of Usono and of all the constituent states. But make no mistake: for the very reason that I am a rightist, I also strongly support the ideal of an international auxiliary language, so that all of us may have our own precious denaskajn lingvojn and also enjoy free communication among people of differing cultures with their own denaskaj lingvoj. I can understand the concern of the Raŭmistoj, and at the same time with respect to some -- whatever it might be! -- helplingvo, I am a Finvenkisto.

Oijos (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 3:10:21

Admin: slurs against national groups are not allowed in the forums

leporinjo (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 8:47:42

As a "Usonian" (by birth, not by choice), I saw no problem with that statement either.

lagtendisto (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 9:56:18

Oijos:Usonians are ...
I disbelieve that 316,148,990 U.S. citizen can and want to act the same unique way.

erinja (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 15:51:13

Oijos:What? That "slur" was 1) not mine 2) was necessary for the argument 3) true on average compared to Finland.

Why you delete whole messages for one item? Administration of this website is [blank, (insert yourself what you want)].
If you don't want your messages to be deleted, don't include material that's against the site's rules. It's quite simple. We aren't going to go in an redact out only the offensive parts, so if you don't want your whole post removed, both offensive and non-offensive parts, don't post offensive material (and don't quote it from others).

robbkvasnak (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 16:13:59

hey, spreecamper, thanks for taking my remarks in a jolly way - that's how I meant them. It is good to keep a sense of humor in these fora. I heard Deutsche Welle talk about that Greek movement last nite - they used the English expression "Golden Dawn" - uff! DW should know that we trust that they speak English - they do have an English language program - they really don't have to prove it all the time. I wish that they would go by standards in today's Germany. I watch them to keep up with what is going on in Germany. They use English as though it were a statement about their education. They really don't need to. They are sort of "finvenkistoj" for the English language(s). Maybe that is where I find the discussions about English(es) more interesting. I have nothing against English "raŭmistoj" - that I understand. But English "finvenkistoj" - no, no, no. Though I am not conservative (far from it), on the one point I do agree with my compatriot who wants an auxiliary language. Florida - at least my part of Florida - has only spoken English for about 80 years. Up until then, the main language was Spanish. To want to make us all speak English only was tried - and after a few years abandonned. The translation companies were the only winners. We live from tourism and trade - both of which are international. So we have lots of room for "raŭmistoj" of many languages - Spanish, Portuguese, French, Canadian English (hehe), German, Japanese and now Chinese. Though it may sound cumbaya to the right, I am a "raŭmisto" for English and the other ethnic languages that I speak, and a quiet "finvenkisto" for Esperanto.

lagtendisto (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 17:38:04

robbkvasnak:DW should know that we trust that they speak English - they do have an English language program - they really don't have to prove it all the time. I wish that they would go by standards in today's Germany.
I don't understand what let you interpret that: 'DW should know that we trust that they speak English'. You mean, they overdraw to spread some 'coolness' through use of English language?

At German news term 'Goldene Morgenröte' is used. I wonder why DW should do different at their German DW channel. If yes, maybe 'Goldene Morgenröte' sounds to romantic for that organisation. So they do some kind of emotional distance through use of English 'Golden Dawn' which seem to sound more aggressive which meets more character of that organisation.

robbkvasnak:They use English as though it were a statement about their education.
Hhm. I seldom watch DW's English channel. If I will watch DW's English channel next than I will keep in mind your interpretation.

robbkvasnak:They really don't need to. They are sort of "finvenkistoj" for the English language(s).
Okay. Yes, they cleary accept English like first important bridge-language world-wide. Thats different situation than our French neighbour presence to the world. (Thats no blame, I like the sound of French language)

lagtendisto (Показать профиль) 19 января 2014 г., 17:53:30

Oijos, come on, calm down. Try to keep on Esperanto language and their community matters.
