შეტყობინებები: 15
ენა: English
Oijos (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 19 იანვარი, 2014 00:42:10
erinja:Review is always good, and I think that even if it is completely review for you, you can make good use of Ana Pana by giving longer than necessary answers to the questions. There is always one free response question that asks you to talk about your life ("Tell about the best vacation you ever took", etc), and if you take that opportunity to give a detailed response, you can get really good feedback on any specific issues that pop up in your writing. Students who give a simple answer like "I went to my grandma's house" for that question are really losing out on the benefit of a live tutor. "I went to my grandma's house" is a sentence similar to what you find in Bildoj kaj demandoj, but you can get much more out of Ana Pana.With that kind of questions there's a privacy issue. I'm sure that inhibits some users.
erinja (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 19 იანვარი, 2014 15:41:52
Oijos:Seems like you never did the course. It clearly says that you don't have to give your real information. You can make up fake information. The point of the exercise is to practice the language, not to give your personal information. The tutor will not care (or even ask) whether the vacation described ever happened; the tutor is interested in the correctness of the grammar.erinja:Review is always good, and I think that even if it is completely review for you, you can make good use of Ana Pana by giving longer than necessary answers to the questions. There is always one free response question that asks you to talk about your lifeWith that kind of questions there's a privacy issue. I'm sure that inhibits some users.
Dakila_Sidhi (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 19 იანვარი, 2014 16:18:56
Bruso:I thought the words are clickable because we are meant to check out their meanings. Well then I guess that's the reason why you are having trouble remembering the words hehe.Dakila_Sidhi:You are clicking the words right to see their meanings?In a picture course, that seemed like cheating to me. At any rate, that was a hypothetical problem I would have had if were truly a complete beginner. In the end, there was only one word I hadn't seen before (kontante, in the very last lesson)
Well you surely decided not to because Bildoj kaj Demandoj was not your first time learning the language so you already know a lot of the words used in the first few lessons, well you got to do what you think is best for you so ok don't check them if you don't want to.
These clickable words are actually also available in the forums and reading the forums is a good way for learning words, just like the same method with the Bildoj kaj Demandoj course. Even when I recognize a word but that I am not completely familiar with, I tend to click and check the definition to reinforce the meaning in my mind. I did the same for Bildoj kaj Demandoj, when I re-encountered a word I often clicked on the definition to reinforce it in my memory.
Bruso (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 20 იანვარი, 2014 00:22:02
La viro faligas la arbon.
La viro igas la arbon fali.
I'm guessing the second is more emphatic (wrt -ig-)?
sudanglo (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 20 იანვარი, 2014 13:00:21
In the lesson where they showed -ig- forms, they usually showed two different ways:That might be just to explain the meaning of fal-igi.
La viro faligas la arbon.
La viro igas la arbon fali.
However sometimes you can't conveniently/elegantly express the idea by tacking on -ig as an ending.
Lacego igis min komplete indiferenta.
... kiu igas ĝin (Sinn Féin) malakcepti britan regadon en Nord-Irlando.
Ili opinias, ke ilia ekonomia sukceso igas ilin pravaj pri ĉio: religio, milito, financoj ..