Messages: 40
Language: English
leporinjo (User's profile) January 20, 2014, 10:25:54 AM
Miland (User's profile) January 20, 2014, 3:01:43 PM
Oijos:That's depressing.I wouldn't worry about the figures. When you have finished Ana Pana and Ana Renkontas, have a go at the 'A' exam. Work carefully, and even if you don't succeed the first time, remember that you are allowed to try again (but do some revision first). After you have finished Gerda Malaperis!, try the 'B' exam. For the 'C' exam, I would wait till you have read Piron's follow-up Vere aux Fantazie? plus either Marjorie Boulton's Faktoj kaj Fantazioj or William Auld's Pasxoj al Plena Posedo, the latter which has exercises, some similar to the 'C' exam. Good luck!
Kirilo81 (User's profile) January 21, 2014, 9:11:23 AM
Oijos (User's profile) January 22, 2014, 2:25:31 AM
Kirilo81:Oijos, don't you speak Esperanto? Or why do you start an English discussion without any connection to the English language?What you mean? I don't understand. English-language discussions about English language are not allowed. I did not start this discussion.
Oijos (User's profile) January 22, 2014, 2:26:48 AM
leporinjo:Assuming there were 10,000 C1/C2 Esperanto speakers in 2000, we now have almost 500 more. Ĝis la fina venk'!Meanwhile more have died.
sudanglo (User's profile) January 22, 2014, 12:21:17 PM
Meanwhile more have died.It is a favourite sport at the annual British Esperanto Congress to read out the names of those members of the association who have died that year.
This produces a warm glow in the attending members (a largely geriatric crowd) that they are still hanging on in there.
Meanwhile the younger British Esperantists are all abroad in sunnier climes having fun at the many orgies organized by the 'ooh la la' foreign Esperantists, and inventing their own youth-speak version of Esperanto..
erinja (User's profile) January 22, 2014, 2:58:13 PM
sudanglo:Meanwhile the younger British Esperantists are all abroad in sunnier climes having fun at the many orgies organized by the 'ooh la la' foreign Esperantists, and inventing their own youth-speak version of Esperanto..I can't speak for the British Esperanto public. But if you had attended these youth events that you disparage so easily, you may have discovered that the youth at these events generally speak a much better and more grammatical Esperanto than what I hear from the "geriatric crowd" (to use your words) at domestic events in the US.
If British Esperanto is not attracting youth as European events are (and I wouldn't characterize European events as "ooh la la orgies" either) then I suggest that the British Esperanto movement, including yourself, have a go at organizing an event that is just as fun as these European youth events.
sudanglo (User's profile) January 22, 2014, 8:45:51 PM
ruth3209 (User's profile) January 23, 2014, 4:17:39 AM
erinja:A:B: Nun almenaŭ 903, ĉar mi ĵus provis denove kaj sukcesis

leporinjo (User's profile) January 23, 2014, 4:31:35 AM