
Website for learning languages

agarrido18, 2014年2月1日

讯息: 2

语言: English

agarrido18 (显示个人资料) 2014年2月1日下午4:51:29

Hey, folks.

Do you know that website (according to what I remember it's a website which looks old), where anybody can download very long documents about language learning?

I have stumbled upon that website last year and I saw that there is a long document about learning the Tagalog language (my own language) and was overjoyed, so I would like to visit the website again to check for other languages.

I just cannot remember, what the website is named or what its URL is.
I just remember, that one can view long documents, even old ones about languages.

By the way, do you know any website that offers good language learning in the portuguese language (portuguese as the working language, not for learning portuguese) because I'd like to recommend it to a Brazilian friend.

With many thanks,


Uridium (显示个人资料) 2014年2月1日下午5:55:21

Maybe are you talking about the FSI website where you can download manuals for auto-learning language.
