Duolingo needs contributors! Teach the world Esperanto!
ca, kivuye
Ubutumwa 24
ururimi: English
lagtendisto (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 9 Ruhuhuma 2014 15:16:00
Kristoforo3:"I'm not a mindless techno-optimist who sees any criticism as 'negativity'." I don't even know what this means. It doesn't count as a criticism when people are just spouting things off about something or someone they don't know anything about; that's just negativity.
Kristoforo3:But I feel like I just got rebuffed by a bunch of jaded hipsters. I'm just gonna wait for the Duo course to come out; I'll learn a lot more on there than I ever would here.Someones also can not expect that others instantly will share someones enthusiasm same grade like someones feel excited about. You could complain of others missing enthusiasm but to name it negativity thats somewhat weird. Do you did intend 'negativity' same meaning like 'not feel welcome'? Then I would like say: You are welcome.
Talisman (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 9 Ruhuhuma 2014 22:04:01
There seems to be a lot of Esperantists on the forum but no course in Esperanto, I think we should also tell them to create a course in EO.
they have a "premium" model, but there is a free and they give you a trial of the premium for free.
It seems like busuu and duolingo are pretty much the same exept for the way they produce income to run the business.
After a brief course in spanish(which i will learn later) on both sites it seems like i like duolingo better
but lets give busuu a try
mjhinds57 (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 8 Ruheshi 2014 00:44:04
marco_:...Yes, Marco, that's my hope. I am currently working on my Esperanto to be able to contribute to Duolingo when it becomes available. It is good to hear that some have put in the application already. Just think of the diversity of Esperanto bilingualism--we can take Duolingo by storm!
I like the Duolingo method. And an Esperanto course there will increase the visibility of Esperanto.

...well, when they get a round tuit. #redneckjoke
BeardedBloke (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 13 Ruheshi 2014 14:30:52
jismith1989:Anyone who allows others to monetize their language learning (worse, on a course not even developed by said others, or people paid by said others) is an idiot. Unfortunately, the world does not have a shortage of idiots.Maybe, but nearly everything free on the www is monetizing our activity. If a site offers a truly valuable experience then surely it's a fair exchange (or maybe not fair, but a not entirely unreasonable exchange!). What's the difference between that and buying a book, for example?
Lernu seems like a good enough model for learning Esperanto to me.