Mesaĝoj: 22
Lingvo: English
Talisman (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-14 17:27:03
I bring this up because there is only 1 or 2 volunteers correcting Esperanto Grammar, Soon there will be more komencantoj on Lang-8 because I will do a few things.
Loterio see
Managed Adwords Placements
I am advertising via google on Lang-8 "why learn esperanto" In the future I hope to do it on all languages that lang-8 and google support, Or I may be able to do it directly.
I think the range of native languages and people on Lang-8 would definitely benefit EO if they became interested in Esperanto.
Lernu, I hope to be able to either use managed placements on Lernu, or bypass google and give my full budget to Lernu for support and Communication, Mainly helping me get the word out about Lang-8 and my giveaway.
Why is spending my own money important for this to me, I am a professional FundRaiser, and it really is not that much money that I am budgeting, I really think Esperanto is a neat challenge and Once I have a better command of Esperanto, I will prove to you just how much my Ideas are Worth
After I am satisfied with the number of tutors that frequent lang-8
I will send out Postcards (I want to send out 3,000) to Home Schools advertising
I know that people are busy and don't have time, but this is a great website, and if you want to practice in another language to study, it would be great for that also.
So please give lang-8 a try, I do not get any money from them.
I think that lang-8 helps me learn by Doing, and making mistakes,
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-15 13:39:13
However, the requests from beginners for help with the language in the Lernu Forums tend to be more concerned with vocab or translation issues than grammar, or so it seems to me.
This is not surprising as
1. the core grammar of Esperanto is easy to acquire, and if the answer isn't easily located in the student's coursebook, it will probably be found by a computer search of the detailed online grammar PMEG.
2. The lexis of Esperanto is still undergoing development, and in any case Esperanto is tolerant of multiple forms for expressing a particular concept, so 'le mot juste' may be debatable.
If the Forum posts are concerned with grammar per se, then it may be an issue on which even expert Esperantists may have different opinions (there is a certain fluidity at the margins), or they are concerned with somewhat abstract theories of the language.
However the lang 8 concept seems useful for national languages, and I can well imagine that it might be able to drum up a substantial number of 'premium' or paying customers, who need their texts to be fully acceptable to native speakers.
Talisman (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-15 17:07:47
I am promoting Lang-8 not because I have any money coming from them, It's simply the way I learn It's a good place to know, "Yes in fact I can practice and make mistakes and learn from them"
Since 2009 I have been learning EO, I should be fluent now, (I even been to NASK) but as you can tell my grammar is horrible and I need more practice. even if the "core" is easy to acquire I am not at the level I want to be, mainly because I am not "Speak your Language" or Practicing as much as I want. There is only a Esperanto group around me Once a Month, and Opportunity on Skype and Google Hangouts is spotty to none. I know that if I found Lang-8 earlier and had a little time with volunteers looking at my language I would learn by doing and practice. And get way better.
Anyway's Next month I am giving away a Free Premium Account to someone that posts on this link in EO.
And i might give more than one.
Rikat (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-15 19:56:42
bartlett22183 (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-15 20:30:29

lagtendisto (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-15 20:39:45
Talisman:Since 2009 I have been learning EO, I should be fluent now, (I even been to NASK) but as you can tell my grammar is horrible and I need more practice. even if the "core" is easy to acquire I am not at the level I want to be, mainly because I am not "Speak your Language" or Practicing as much as I want. There is only a Esperanto group around me Once a Month, and Opportunity on Skype and Google Hangouts is spotty to none. I know that if I found Lang-8 earlier and had a little time with volunteers looking at my language I would learn by doing and practice. And get way better.It would be great if you contact Chuck Smith. I remember he once tried to establish Esperanto network across the U.S. His email adress you can find here.
Blog of Chuck
lagtendisto (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-15 20:43:17
bartlett22183:Yes, at times and for some people, esperantismo can be a lonely endeavor.Situation in Europe and maybe Brazil is different.
bartlett22183 (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-16 00:39:26
spreecamper:I certainly hope so.bartlett22183:Yes, at times and for some people, esperantismo can be a lonely endeavor.Situation in Europe and maybe Brazil is different.

erinja (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-16 00:48:15
bartlett22183:I certainly hope so.These things, unfortunately, are self-perpetuating. Boston used to have a great monthly group of mostly pretty good speakers, we had very normal conversations. When I moved back to DC I was hoping for a similar group but when I went to one of the monthly meetings, there was only one other experienced speaker, the rest eternal beginners. I stopped going. I discovered later that there are experienced speakers in the area but they didn't go to the monthly meetups for the same reason I stopped going. A new person coming into town might get the mistaken impression that all Esperantists in the DC area are eternal beginners, which is not even slightly true, but unfortunately the experienced speakers didn't find anything attractive in the meetings and never show up except at the annual Zamenhof banquet (and not even that anymore, for some of us).About forty-two years ago, when I lived in a different city in the USA, I went to a few meetings of the local Esperanto club. I was not at all favorably impressed. Hardly anyone could speak the language. Most of those who tried could speak at the rate of about one word per second(!), so that to say anything of substance took a loooong time. When one proficient speaker (a European, for whatever that is worth) would say something, a few others would complain that he was speaking too rapidly for them to understand. Perhaps in forty years on the other side of North America something has changed, but my first (and almost only) experience with (supposedly) spoken Esperanto was not a favorably impressive one. For me, it remains just a written code.
sudanglo (Montri la profilon) 2014-februaro-16 11:45:38
Every so often on a particular night of the week or month people gather in a certain café or bistro where, on some of the tables, flags are set out to indicate that that table is dedicated to conversation in the corresponding language.
Since this provides extra business for the café owner in terms of meals or drinks, I understand that a table for Esperantists is also acceptable along with the tables dedicated to French English German etc.
These evenings allow a more convivial and less claustrophobic atmosphere to prevail than might be expected at a meeting of an Esperanto club.