ca, kivuye
Ubutumwa 5
ururimi: English
Aaron94 (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 17 Ruhuhuma 2014 02:58:35
Also, is there an affix for step-, like step-mom and etc?
Mustelvulpo (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 17 Ruhuhuma 2014 05:07:39
opincar (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 17 Ruhuhuma 2014 05:10:22
Aaron94:Back when I started to learn Esperanto the first time around I never really got into "making" words so excuse me if this is an obvious question. Almost everyday my boss says to me, do me a favor and...so I thought petema would be an appropriate word to describe him since he's always asking for things. I had just read about -ema yesterday so it seemed like it would work for him. Let me know guys! Dankon!Petema works for describing "tending to ask" or perhaps to say another way English-wise: "inquisitive". As one who tends to ask questions: pet-em-ulo
Also, is there an affix for step-, like step-mom and etc?
You would use the root "vic" for step relation, such as stepbrother, "vicfrato". Nedankinde!
Ondo (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 17 Ruhuhuma 2014 09:00:23
Aaron94:Almost everyday my boss says to me, do me a favor and...so I thought petema would be an appropriate word to describe him since he's always asking for things. I had just read about -ema yesterday so it seemed like it would work for him. Let me know guys!Petema is the perfect word here. Someone always asking for (requesting) things or services seems to be petema. You might call him petemulo. (Inquisitive would be demandema or sciavida, sciema, (eble tro) scivola.)
sudanglo (Kwerekana umwidondoro) 17 Ruhuhuma 2014 13:11:12
The only hit in the Tekstaro for petema looks as though it used to mean beseeching. Postulema, however, is a relatively common word.
If you want to keep the idea of a favour, then 'tro emas peti komplezon', or 'tro ofte petas komplezojn', or 'komplez-postula'.