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Demotic Esperanto?

by Bruso, February 26, 2014

Messages: 34

Language: English

orthohawk (User's profile) March 16, 2014, 3:01:32 PM

orthohawk:(Yes, to whom it may concern, I'm still harping! Deal with it.)
I come back here after so many months and read this. You made my night! ridulo.gif
Glad to be of some small help okulumo.gif

erinja (User's profile) March 16, 2014, 11:56:44 PM

orthohawk:Maybe it's a question of Esperantists (as a group) being so genteel that such language is not actually used but very rarely?
It's used. Sudanglo just doesn't hang out with the right crowd to hear it!

(And unlike his proposed demotic speech, it is grammatical according to normative Esperanto grammar, but it is nonetheless quite profane)

robbkvasnak (User's profile) March 17, 2014, 2:21:46 AM

There's always that famous list that contains the word "kamelfurzulo" which really cracked me up

sudanglo (User's profile) March 17, 2014, 11:02:21 AM

Sudanglo just doesn't hang out with the right crowd
Quite right! He doesn't mix with Esperanto scum, limiting his acquaintances to Esperantist princes, captains of industry and Nobel prize winners.

The relevant point though is not Sudanglo's social milieu but that, for the man on the Clapham omnibus, the notion of an Esperanto speaking high society is just as implausible as the notion of an Esperantist underclass of prostitutes, criminals, junkies and uncouth artisans.

Actually, the 'rude' words in Esperanto are largely a creation of the literary class, and adapting the words of Zamenhof we might say that Por ke vorto estu malĝentila, ne sufiĉas ĝin nomi tia.

The actual vulgarity, offensiveness, taboo quality etc, can only come from actual usage by such low-lifes as Robb has conveniently listed for us in a previous post.

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