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So confused.

од Aaron94, 20. март 2014.

Поруке: 14

Језик: English

erinja (Погледати профил) 21. март 2014. 13.13.38

sudanglo:Erinja, is one allowed as a contributor to the Lernu vortaro to propose neologismoj to plug gaps, if they are flagged as such.
No one would notice if you were to do so, but it would be frowned upon. If you care a lot about bringing this word into use, I suggest that you make extensive use of it yourself and see if anyone else decides to imitate you.

tommjames (Погледати профил) 21. март 2014. 13.55.59

sudanglo:Let me rephrase then, Tom. Why hasn't sedukti come into use.
I guess it would be for the same reason any word fails to make it into the mainstream; the speakerbase hasn't felt the need for it, due to the ample stock of other words that can be used for whatever meaning you're trying to get across.

That doesn't mean it never will catch on though, and of course there are plenty of words that made their way into Esperanto (some would say too many) for which perfectly good alternatives already existed in the lexicon. Maybe that will be true of 'sedukti', some day.

sudanglo (Погледати профил) 22. март 2014. 10.02.16

I didn't mean to derail this thread, and I see that the OP's confusion has only been partly addressed.

If I understand him correctly his question is why not trompiĝi.

Well why not? Ŝi lasis sin trompiĝi seems perfectly grammatically correct. That trompiĝi is ntr is no objection (eg mi petis lin kuri; lin is not the object of kuri).

And if it was going to be the Queen who was kidding herself, then it would be ŝi lasis ŝin trompiĝi.

sudanglo (Погледати профил) 22. март 2014. 10.36.58

What PIV and Revo have criticised is the historic use of lasi in the sense of 'have something done' rather than 'allow something to be done'.

In my fifth edition (1924) Millidge dictionary under 'lasi', li lasis purigi sian biciklon is translated as he had his bicycle cleaned

In modern Esperanto this causative usage is archaic, and in some sentences it could cause confusion, as both the permissive and causative meanings would be plausible.

Mi lasis min veki je la sesa would plausibly mean I arranged a wake up call or I allowed myself to be woken (mi permesis ke oni veku min je la sesa).

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