Beiträge: 8
Sprache: English
lionsareus2 (Profil anzeigen) 31. März 2014 05:27:13
So tiring. What a shame. Iǘe tried everything to overcome this site, yáll win. No more posts for me.I was formerly LionsAreUs, I've returned, but needed to append a '2' to my username. Same guy.
Robbvasnak-thanks for your sickie sweet response, of no use, but to tell everyone how “positive”you are. The fact is, I had just lost a rather long response, meant for this posting, and it included some rather self-critical stuff. But don't let that stop you from making a grand play to show how “upbeat” you are. Also, there were numerous site errors just trying to get back on this site. “Love is in the air????”
I complained about some HORRIBLE music translations, then realized there were songs that DID make sense in translation. I took the time to get the names of the tunes and the artists correctly, then all my efforts were thrown to the trash. Hard to be self critical, try to be self-critical, then have it thrown in your face when system tosses your work. I'm writing this in a word processor. Lernu won't throw this effort away on me. Its hard, I'm a terrible typist. Also, part of my approach to learning is flawed, I need to get down with basics, build a foundation. One of you hinted at this, which I didn't like, but I must admit, there's something in your criticism.
As for selling the books, maybe I should hold on to them temporarily. Based on neighborhood, Spanish is infinitely more useful. Believe me, I have TONS left to learn. I wouldn't dare brag about my abilities. I've worked hard to get where I am. Occasionally, when I look at Eo, there's some crossover with Spanish, leading to confusion. I ditch Eo temporarily.
Erinja-I realize you always try and help—I appreciate that. I mentioned a song w/some lyrics “Ja, nur Diru ke vi amas”. (a song that will survive Google translation fairly well)Some languages, German, En, Fr, require pronouns, such as “I Go, U go.....”
Spanish often requires no pronoun, as the verb forms vary greatly.
Eo has no variation within verb tense between pronouns. So when I said there was no pronoun, you suggested it was poetic license; partially correct, at the least. I've realized now that “diru”, being imperative, could only be addressed to you(vi); I can't command myself to do something. If this “u” ending on Eo verbs is like the Spanish subjunctive(and I suspect it is, then it can also be used in the “ni”(nosotros/nosotras) form to indicate “let's do whatever”. Reflection has allowed me to improve your answer, I'm glad u were there, tho.
BTW: there are plenty of Mexicans who write Eo songs on YouTube, its easy to see why, super EZ language for them. Words like “forte”, they always pronounce as if the word were “fortej”. Its in their blood, I guess. Just don't learn their incorrect ways- in no way do I intend to demean them.
Bartlett—some things ...
sudanglo (Profil anzeigen) 31. März 2014 11:42:11
I've realized now that “diru”, being imperative, could only be addressed to you(vi); I can't command myself to do somethingIli manĝu kukon - let them eat cake.
Ĉu mi helpu vin - Do you want me to help you.
Ĉu ni iru al la kinejo - Shall we go to the cinema.
Ŝi faru tion kiel eble plej baldaŭ - She should do that asap.
erinja (Profil anzeigen) 31. März 2014 13:48:51
FYI you can't delete an account and then open a new account under the same name. This is to prevent new users from coming and taking on the names of old deleted accounts, possibly falsely leading other users to believe that they are the same person as a previous user.
kaŝperanto (Profil anzeigen) 31. März 2014 17:07:07
erinja:If you are inactive too long (not posting or loading pages), lernu will automatically log you off. It's a good thing to be aware of if you're a slow typist and it's a long post. As you surely know, when you click post, if the system has automatically logged you out, you will get an error that you're not signed in. If you use Google Chrome, normally you can hit the back button after you get the error and all of your work will still be there. If you are using another browser, you are probably out of luck.I have also lost work before, but I am always logged in, so unless it is secretly logging me out then back in again this cannot be the cause. On more than one occasion I go to post it and I get put back on the start of the thread. Needless to say I am now in the habit of copying the contents of my posts before previewing/posting them. It does only happen when I take a long time to complete the post (not a slow typist, but I tend to write a little bit here and there while working on other things).
FYI you can't delete an account and then open a new account under the same name. This is to prevent new users from coming and taking on the names of old deleted accounts, possibly falsely leading other users to believe that they are the same person as a previous user.
Glad to see you changed your mind on giving up (I think?). As one who has studied Spanish before I can say it is a little difficult to keep the two languages straight in your head (because they are so similar in some areas). The number of cognates is a big plus though, and I'd guess that well over half of the words I come across are either cognates with English or cognates with Spanish. I worried about the possible confusion initially, but then I realized that I have very little use for Spanish outside of academia (none, actually). There is an enormous cost in maintaining your proficiency in a national language, too, and for me it was not worth it. Esperanto is (relatively) easy to learn and much easier to maintain and use. The philosophy is also a nice touch, and keeps me interested in the language beyond just for its own sake.
Good luck in whatever path you choose.
linhanh (Profil anzeigen) 2. April 2014 14:30:19
kaŝperanto (Profil anzeigen) 3. April 2014 21:50:56
linhanh:can you help me? this context, what is response mean? thanks you so much!!!In this context, response means reply, he was writing a reply message to someone else's post (like you have done in asking this question).
Se Esperanto estas pli facila por vi: Cxi kuntekste, "response" intencas respondo. Li skribis respondon, kaj li perdis la tekston antaux ol li povis afisxi gxin. Cxu komprenas?
erinja (Profil anzeigen) 4. April 2014 13:54:45
kaŝperanto:I have had a problem when posting through a proxy server, like at work, where our traffic is filtered (presumably to prevent us from visiting porn or game websites). At home (no proxy server), I've never had this problem. I'm not sure of your setup.
I have also lost work before, but I am always logged in, so unless it is secretly logging me out then back in again this cannot be the cause.
kaŝperanto (Profil anzeigen) 4. April 2014 14:51:19
erinja:That makes sense, the times when this happened I was behind a proxy.kaŝperanto:I have had a problem when posting through a proxy server, like at work, where our traffic is filtered (presumably to prevent us from visiting porn or game websites). At home (no proxy server), I've never had this problem. I'm not sure of your setup.
I have also lost work before, but I am always logged in, so unless it is secretly logging me out then back in again this cannot be the cause.