Aportes: 9
Idioma: English
Bruso (Mostrar perfil) 13 de abril de 2014 18:31:42
One is from a thread on this board pertaining to rock music:
The other is about international politics:
"Dura kerno" seems somehow an overly literal translation of the English. Has anyone seen a different translation? Or have any suggestions?
morfran (Mostrar perfil) 13 de abril de 2014 19:24:20
- extreme: nerekuperebla videoludanto “hardcore gamer”
- uncompromising: pura kaj dura marksisto “hardcore Marxist”
- unconditional: senkondiĉa subtenado “hardcore support”
- explicit: eksplicita pornografaĵo “hardcore porn”
- intense: intensa spektaklo “hardcore show”
- music genre: hardkora* punko “hardcore punk”
RiotNrrd (Mostrar perfil) 13 de abril de 2014 19:25:36
(A moment later: I see morfran has provided an even larger list from which to choose while I was typing the above.)
Oijos (Mostrar perfil) 13 de abril de 2014 21:25:41
morfran (Mostrar perfil) 13 de abril de 2014 22:30:19
Oijos:Dura is not proper Esperanto. It means malmola.Insofar as malmola is also “ne cedema, senindulga, senkompata”, and malmilda (which dura also means) is “akre, malagrable impresanta”, one can probably make dura work in this case.

noelekim (Mostrar perfil) 14 de abril de 2014 05:01:34
Bruso:I wsas looking for an Esperanto translation for "hard-core".You want "ĝisosta", literally "to the bone". www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/art/ost.html
sudanglo (Mostrar perfil) 14 de abril de 2014 10:11:09
Searching the net with Kukolo throws up usage of hardkora(j)(n)with respect to music.
Kirilo81 (Mostrar perfil) 14 de abril de 2014 10:23:13
sudanglo:Yes ĝisosta would work well with respect to commitment to a belief or philosophy or life style, but not so good for the distinction between soft core and hard core porn.In this case ĝisuterorifica should be OK. *SCNR*
Bruso (Mostrar perfil) 14 de abril de 2014 11:23:53
noelekim:That looks more like what I'm looking for.Bruso:I wsas looking for an Esperanto translation for "hard-core".You want "ĝisosta", literally "to the bone". www.reta-vortaro.de/revo/art/ost.html