Поруке: 7
Језик: English
typhlocaris (Погледати профил) 20. април 2014. 16.51.50
Thanks in advance.
robbkvasnak (Погледати профил) 20. април 2014. 19.51.58
Kat (Погледати профил) 21. април 2014. 00.39.52
typhlocaris:Hi folks. I wonder how i can translate the word "off course" in esperanto?"misdirekte" (as an adverb) or "misdirekta" (adjective). One can also use the word "kurso" for "course", but it's so often used to describe instruction that I think "direkto" (direction) would be better. If you want to be incredibly explicit, you'd say "vojaĝdirekto" (course/direction of the voyage), but I think that'd be going too far.
Thanks in advance.
I get this from Tatoeba: "The ship changed its course."
noelekim (Погледати профил) 21. април 2014. 08.53.26
typhlocaris:Hi folks. I wonder how i can translate the word "off course" in esperanto?Literally: of an aircraft or ship
The recorders could give investigators insight into what caused the plane to veer off course - Povus esti ke la registriloj donos al enketistoj komprenon pri tio, kio igis la aviadilon delasi sian kurson (or: turniĝi misdirekten)
The distance Flight 370 traveled off course is equal to the width of the U.S. - Flugo 370 veturis misdirekten trans distanco kiu egalas la larĝon de Usono
Figuratively: of a process gone wrong
Family of 9/11 victims seethe as Guantanamo military trial seems to drift off course again - Kolero bolas ĉe familianoj de viktimoj de 9/11 post kiam armea proceso ĉe Guantanamo ŝajne drivis misdirekten denove.
typhlocaris (Погледати профил) 21. април 2014. 09.12.54
I must be re-educated.
"Of course is different off course"
"Of course is different off course"
"Of course is different off course"
"Of course is different off course"
("Of course is different off course" )^1000
nornen (Погледати профил) 21. април 2014. 15.13.50
Vespero_ (Погледати профил) 21. април 2014. 15.32.37