How can I translate "I am supposed to...." and "I am expected to..." ?
od Mattacchione4, 21 kwietnia 2014
Wpisy: 8
Język: English
Mattacchione4 (Pokaż profil) 21 kwietnia 2014, 07:25:41
Mattacchione4 (Pokaż profil) 21 kwietnia 2014, 07:27:08

Larmel (Pokaż profil) 21 kwietnia 2014, 07:38:44
Mattacchione4:Good morning Folks.... could you please help me translate the quoted phrases? Thanks in anticipation, massimilianoEventuale: "Oni atendas ke mi XXXu" au "Oni petas min XXXi" au "Mi devas XXXi" ktp. Tio dependas pri la kunteksto. Necesas vidi la tutan frazon por traduki ghin bone. Oni ne povas traduki tian esprimon per preta esprimo en Esperanto (au en multaj aliaj lingvoj, cetere), sed devas pensi pri la tuta kunteksto.
Mattacchione4 (Pokaż profil) 21 kwietnia 2014, 08:16:19
Happy Easter Monday,
sudanglo (Pokaż profil) 21 kwietnia 2014, 21:36:10
Necesas vidi la tutan frazon por traduki ghin boneYes, the translation of supposed to will vary depending on context
You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! (the Italian Job)
Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for the heart.
I am not supposed to be here
How am I supposed to do that?
When is this train supposed to get to London?
noelekim (Pokaż profil) 22 kwietnia 2014, 05:05:02
sudanglo:My versions of sudanglo's sample sentences. Certainly not the only ones....Necesas vidi la tutan frazon por traduki ghin boneYes, the translation of supposed to will vary depending on context
You were only supposed to blow the bloody doors off! - Vi devis nur foreksplodigi la damnindajn pordojn !
Dark chocolate is supposed to be good for the heart - Laŭdire, nigra ĉokolado estas bona por la koro.
How am I supposed to do that? - Kiel mi povu fari tion?
I am not supposed to be here - Mi ne devus esti tie ĉi
When is this train supposed to get to London? - Kiam ĉi tiu trajno devus atingi Londonon?
sudanglo (Pokaż profil) 22 kwietnia 2014, 11:05:46
Google translate suggests that various languages have chosen between nigra ĉokolado, malhela ĉokolado and amara ĉokolado (black, dark and bitter).
Pedantically, one might suggest kaka-intensa, or kakao-riĉa ĉokolado. However I imagine one would be understiood with either, nigra, malhela, or amara.
When is this train supposed to get to London? - Kiam ĉi tiu trajno devus atingi Londonon?Just to ring the changes: laŭ la horaro, ni alvenos kiam en Londono?
Whilst 'supposed to' can often be the equivalent of 'should', 'supposed to' can carry the idea of the obligation arising from some external system or rules or regulations.
I really shouldn't eat garlic before going out dancing (sensible).
I am supposed to avoid high-fat foods (doctors orders)
'Supposed to' can be contrasted with 'expect':- I am supposed to finish by five but I don't expect I will.
Mattacchione4 (Pokaż profil) 22 kwietnia 2014, 21:29:22
I really appreciated your qualified competence
I can't exclude that I will exploit it again in the future.
