Žinutės: 8
Kalba: English
thehappylife_9x (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 21 d. 16:12:34
I don't know how to write esperanto in web, it makes me so confuse,especially when i search translation from esperanto to English.Can anybody help?

Thanks u a lot

Fenris_kcf (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 21 d. 17:08:05
Altulo (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 21 d. 18:01:47
a b c cx d e f g gx h hx i j jx k l m n o p r s sx t u ux v z
Hope this helps.
Rejsi (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 21 d. 19:02:26
However, for your home computer, I'd highly recommend the program Tajpi (link here). This program will automatically convert gx to ĝ.
You can even configure it differently if you don't like using the x system. I am probably in the minority, but I have mine configured to type ĝ when I type ^g because it fits in with my U.S. international keyboard layout.
Edit: Hmm...Tajpi's website actually looks like it's down right now. The program Ek (link here) does the same thing, but I think it is only available in Esperanto (no translations to other languages).
Let me know if you need help setting these up!
noelekim (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 22 d. 00:16:14
Altulo:If you are talking about how to get the letters with the circumflexes (little marks on top), you can use "x" after them. The alphabet would look like this:Also you can type your word or message in "x" form here - traduku.net - and the words magically appear in standard Esperanto.
a b c cx d e f g gx h hx i j jx k l m n o p r s sx t u ux v z
tommjames (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 22 d. 08:13:30
Rejsi:Hmm...Tajpi's website actually looks like it's down right nowIt was down last night yes, hosting problems. Should be working again now.
thehappylife_9x (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 22 d. 18:49:38
Fenris_kcf:I guess you have to ask more precisely in order to get a useful answer. What exactely is your question?Dear Fenris!
I'm really sorry about my mistake,because english and esperanto is not my tongue language(I'm Vietnamese

I mean,when i type "ĵ" or "ŭ" for translation,but my unikey didn't work.I want to find out the way to help me type that speacial character?(ĉ/ŭ),and not copy-->paste,please

Thank you a lot for your help!
thehappylife_9x (Rodyti profilį) 2014 m. gegužė 22 d. 18:55:48
noelekim:Dear!Altulo:If you are talking about how to get the letters with the circumflexes (little marks on top), you can use "x" after them. The alphabet would look like this:Also you can type your word or message in "x" form here - traduku.net - and the words magically appear in standard Esperanto.
a b c cx d e f g gx h hx i j jx k l m n o p r s sx t u ux v z
I did it.Thank you so much for your help!!!