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Esperanto Dictionary File For Kobo

de 1Guy1, 24 de maig de 2014

Missatges: 4

Llengua: English

1Guy1 (Mostra el perfil) 24 de maig de 2014 14.47.41


I currently have a Kobo glo which displays Esperanto quite well (though I would avoid using the books on Kobo's own site, which do not)

Does anyone know where I can get an Esperanto/ English dictionary file for it please?



Amil_Noir (Mostra el perfil) 25 de maig de 2014 11.51.36

Try this one:

Seems to be exactly what you need.


1Guy1 (Mostra el perfil) 25 de maig de 2014 12.51.24

Thanks for taking the trouble to reply Amil.

Unfortunately this is not what I am looking for. I should have been more clear: with the Kobo if you have a dictionary installed as the correct type of system file (I cannot remember the format name at the moment) you can press a word and get a definition whilst reading.

I have stardict files that are supposed to be convertable via software called Penelope but have failed miserably malgajo.gif . I just hoped someone might have had more luck than me.



1Guy1 (Mostra el perfil) 30 de maig de 2014 14.40.28

Just a warning not to waste your time on this one as, alas, I did.

I managed to make an Esperanto dictionary for kobo from a stardict file. However, the Kobo has difficulties with the Esperanto accents during dictionary lookups.

If you try and highlight a word for a dictionary lookup it splits the word at the accented character and only looks up half the word.

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