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Translation help

de nornen, 26 mai 2014

Messages : 13

Langue: English

nornen (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 19:23:43

Dear native speakers et alii,

how would you translate "Don't take shit for granted." into Esperanto?

Thank you very much.

Rejsi (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 20:15:23

nornen:Dear native speakers et alii,

how would you translate "Don't take shit for granted." into Esperanto?

Thank you very much.
Personally, I'd turn this into "appreciate what you have."

Aprezu (tion), kion oni havas.

nornen (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 20:21:04

Thank you very much Rejsi.

How would you tackle:
"Now why don't you look down
to where your feet is (sic!) planted
that U.S. soil that makes you take shit for granted"
"Nu kial vi ne rigardas suben,
tien, kie estas viaj piedoj,
la usonan teron, kiu ???????"

eble: "kiu certigas vin pri ĉio"?

morfran (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 20:49:24

nornen:"Now why don't you look down
to where your feet is (sic!) planted
that U.S. soil that makes you take shit for granted"
I’ve seen “to take for granted” glossed as senplue akcepti in two different dictionaries. Doesn’t really jive with my understanding of “to take for granted”; Spanish no saber valorar algo (ne scii valori ion) makes more sense to me. But to each their own.

As for the rest, maybe:

Kial vi ne suben rigardas
kie viaj (propraj) pedoj staras
sur tiu usona tero, kiu la valoron de ĉio forgesigas

Rejsi (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 20:53:01

Ahhh, you're translating a song/poem. That makes things a little more difficult and more up to opinion.

Here's my attempt, but there are a lot of options here.

Nun rigardu suben,
Kie estas viaj piedoj.
Tiu usona tero igas onin aprezi nenion.

Edit: Oops, I didn't see that someone already responded.

nornen (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 20:53:23

nornen:"Now why don't you look down
to where your feet is (sic!) planted
that U.S. soil that makes you take shit for granted"
I’ve seen “to take for granted” glossed as senplue akcepti in two different dictionaries. Doesn’t really jive with my understanding of “to take for granted”; Spanish no saber valorar algo (ne scii valori ion) makes more sense to me. But to each their own.

As for the rest, maybe:

Kial vi ne suben rigardas
kie viaj (propraj) pedoj staras
sur tiu usona tero, kiu la valoron de ĉio forgesigas
Thank you.

Is it possible, that "makes you take shit for granted", especially in this quote means something like "makes you think that everything has always been and will always be like it is now; and that no matter what, you will never lose it or will have to fight for it"?

Rejsi (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 20:59:44

nornen:Thank you.

Is it possible, that "makes you take shit for granted", especially in this quote means something like "makes you think that everything has always been and will always be like it is now; and that no matter what, you will never lose it or will have to fight for it"?
Essentially yes, but that would be a bit long for a line of lyrics. ridulo.gif

nornen (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 21:00:51

nornen:Thank you.

Is it possible, that "makes you take shit for granted", especially in this quote means something like "makes you think that everything has always been and will always be like it is now; and that no matter what, you will never lose it or will have to fight for it"?
Essentially yes, but that would be a bit long for a line of lyrics. ridulo.gif
Seconded. Now how do we fit this whole idea into a snappy line?

morfran (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 21:11:47

nornen:Is it possible, that "take for granted", especially in this quote means something like "makes you think that everything has always been and will always be like it is now; and that no matter what, you will never lose it or will have to fight for it"?
That’s quite a circumlocution; maybe just substituting valoron with koston will get the idea of forgotten effort. Beyond that, you’ll want someone much more lyrically inclined that I. okulumo.gif

Rejsi (Voir le profil) 26 mai 2014 21:15:47

nornen:Thank you.

Is it possible, that "makes you take shit for granted", especially in this quote means something like "makes you think that everything has always been and will always be like it is now; and that no matter what, you will never lose it or will have to fight for it"?
Essentially yes, but that would be a bit long for a line of lyrics. ridulo.gif
Seconded. Now how do we fit this whole idea into a snappy line?
Well I think either morfran's or my suggestions work fairly well. Neither are perfect, so it's really up to you to make the final decision.

Think of "to take something for granted" as either "to not value something" or "to not appreciate something."

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