"Official" Dictionaries?
door BeardedBloke, 30 mei 2014
Berichten: 42
Taal: English
robbkvasnak (Profiel tonen) 1 juli 2014 19:52:24
I use the Wells dictionary when looking for English words in Esperanto. I also use other language-Esperanto dictionaries and the net. Up to now, the dictionary by John Wells is the best I can find for the price and the practicality of its size. Just look at the Grosses Woerterbuch by Krause - it weights somewhere around 5 kg and still doesn't have a lot of words that I am looking for in German to Esperanto. Krause apparently never got interested in food because any words pertaining to food seem to be missing. And his dictionary is only German to Esperanto - not exactly a book to lug around in a tote bag when you are on the go. I bought it in Germany and because of the size, I had to take it as a carry on during the flight home. When I was in France, I tried to buy a French-Esp, Esp-French dictionary in Strassburg (Strasbourg) and in Paris, then in Marseilles. NOBODY could sell me one. Many salespeople had never heard of Esperanto. One woman (I won't say 'lady') told me flat out that I should learn English (hahahaha! I answered in my English and her jaw fell about 3 m down).
Until somebody else comes up with a better reference dictionary, my annotated John Wells will do. We use it at our local E club and one of our points of discussion is finding words from our Florida world that are missing. Right now the poincianas are in full bloom here and I learned last year that they are called 'kasio" in Esperanto. I am pretty sure that they are not in the Fundamento or Krestomatio since they don't grow in Europe - but until you've seen one in full bloom, you are really missing something
Until somebody else comes up with a better reference dictionary, my annotated John Wells will do. We use it at our local E club and one of our points of discussion is finding words from our Florida world that are missing. Right now the poincianas are in full bloom here and I learned last year that they are called 'kasio" in Esperanto. I am pretty sure that they are not in the Fundamento or Krestomatio since they don't grow in Europe - but until you've seen one in full bloom, you are really missing something

tositaka (Profiel tonen) 18 juli 2014 11:00:12
If you want free dictionaries, visit here:
I have already announced this topic here:
Retumila Vortaro de Esperanto: Espvortaro
This is a dictionary software which works with a browser once you downloaded it. Currently it includes Esperanto-English (ESPDIC) and English-Esperanto (O'Connor and Hayes) dictionaries (and 4 other dictionaries for Japanese esperantists). I plan to include Esperanto-English Dictionary by Butler later. You may use it freely and without charge.
If there are other dictionaries available free of charge, tell me about them. I will transform the format of the dictionaries so that they can be used with Espvortaroj.
I have already announced this topic here:
Retumila Vortaro de Esperanto: Espvortaro
This is a dictionary software which works with a browser once you downloaded it. Currently it includes Esperanto-English (ESPDIC) and English-Esperanto (O'Connor and Hayes) dictionaries (and 4 other dictionaries for Japanese esperantists). I plan to include Esperanto-English Dictionary by Butler later. You may use it freely and without charge.
If there are other dictionaries available free of charge, tell me about them. I will transform the format of the dictionaries so that they can be used with Espvortaroj.