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"Official" Dictionaries?

viết bởi BeardedBloke, Ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2014

Tin nhắn: 42

Nội dung: English

BeardedBloke (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 16:08:51 Ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2014

New student of the language here. Are there any 'official', or at least widely regarded English-Esperanto dictionaries around (preferably electronic)? Just wondering as I've noticed some inclusions in a couple of tools I use that I'm pretty certain aren't officially sanctioned Esperanto. I'm wondering if there's somewhere I can go with confidence.

Rejsi (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 16:42:27 Ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2014

Well, the Lernu dictionary should have all the words you need, but if you want more descriptive dictionaries to help clarify some words...

Reta Vortaro

Edit: Note that these dictionaries also contain unofficial words. I think the official ones are marked with an asterisk.

efilzeo (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 17:32:09 Ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2014

as Rejsi said. and welcome aboard forumano!

BeardedBloke (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 21:07:05 Ngày 30 tháng 5 năm 2014

Thanks for the replies and thank you for the welcome1

Bemused (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 07:35:51 Ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2014

Welcome to Lernu
One dictionary to avoid is the "English, Esperanto, English Dictionary", 2010 Edition, by John C Wells.
It is available in hardcopy.
It is an often recommended dictionary, however contains unofficial elements, for example extensive use of the ge prefix in the singular.

EldanarLambetur (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 23:55:56 Ngày 31 tháng 5 năm 2014

Bemused:Welcome to Lernu
One dictionary to avoid is the "English, Esperanto, English Dictionary", 2010 Edition, by John C Wells.
It is available in hardcopy.
It is an often recommended dictionary, however contains unofficial elements, for example extensive use of the ge prefix in the singular.
I find it most useful as a starting point. Sometimes when you want to know how to translate something, you have no idea where to begin. You go through Wells, which has a tonne of translations, find some potential ideas, then use the Lernu dictionary and the online PIV at vortaro.net to get a good idea of what's actually used, and often they'll set you on the right track.

erinja (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 01:45:32 Ngày 01 tháng 6 năm 2014

I strongly recommend the Wells dictionary. I don't agree with every single one of his word choices but he is a long-standing esperantist and very highly respected.

I recommend buying it in hard copy (it has a useful grammar guide in the front, helpful for beginners) but the dictionary can also be searched at Google Books.

robbkvasnak (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 02:21:57 Ngày 01 tháng 6 năm 2014

La procionoj, didelfoj kaj mefitoj ĉe ni trovis vorton por la kasio sub kio ili emas ripozi en Ŭelzo do ili ĉiuj rekomendas tiun vortaron. Ankaŭ mi uzas ĝin kaj tie mi trovis la vorton gombo kion mi tutkore emas manĝi - sed ludante bejsbalon mi evitas tiun vortaron ĉar mankas la vorto por homerun kaj mi volas gajni. Mi ankaŭ ne uzas ĝin kiam mi kuiras en mi crockpot aŭ uzas stemware aŭ preparas meatloaf. Mankas elbow grease, confabulation, talking points, amarillo kaj boombox (eble ili baldaŭ malaperos, feliĉe) - kaj landfill, soap opera, clay pigeon, nob, hobnob kaj eggnog. Tamen mi rekomendas ĝin.
The racoons, opossums and skunks around here found the word for poinciana under which they like to laze in Wells so they recommend this dictionary. I also use it anf found the word okra which I sincerely like eating - but paying baseball I avoid this dictionary because the word for homerun is missing and I want to win. I also don't use it when I am cooking with my crockpot or using stemware or preparing meatloaf. Missing are (words for) elbow grease, confabulation, talking points, amarillo and boombox (maybe these won't be around too much longer, I hope)- and landfill, clay pigeon, not, hobnob and eggnog. I still recommend it.

eojeff (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 18:27:32 Ngày 01 tháng 6 năm 2014

Welcome to the party! ridulo.gif

Lets not forget ESPDIC. It's a large Esperanto dictionary in a single text file. It's completely free. Note that the format is Esperanto : English. Most entries are a single word long with no descriptions on correct usage. It's extremely handy in any event.

I think there are a few smart phone applications that make use of ESPDIC, but I can't think of any off the top of my head.


morfran (Xem thông tin cá nhân) 22:07:59 Ngày 02 tháng 6 năm 2014

If ever you’re curious where this or that word came from while you’re making your way through the language, there’s a short etymological dictionary here.

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