Pesan: 4
Bahasa: English
raashby (Tunjukkan profil) 31 Mei 2014 10.25.17
I am in Buenos Aires currently and I'm trying to decide if I should attend the World Congress here in a couple of months.
I read Esperanto moderately well but I have never spoken in, or listened much to spoken Esperanto. Therefore I am wondering how much I would get out of this conference if I attended it. And I don't really know what goes on at a World Congress.
Any advice for me? Thanks very much.
erinja (Tunjukkan profil) 1 Juni 2014 01.43.08
Eltwish (Tunjukkan profil) 7 Juni 2014 23.04.40
If you're concerned about listening comprehension and haven't listened to much spoken Esperanto, I'd encourage you to find some podcasts, shows, or audiobooks you like in the meantime. Many of them have transcripts you can use to read along with or to check your understanding.
danielcg (Tunjukkan profil) 12 Juni 2014 02.20.41
raashby:Hello,I would definitively go. In fact, my wife and I -who live in Buenos Aires- are going to attend the Congress, which will be our first one. I have spoken Esperanto since my twenties (I'm 56), but I have always stumbled on the 17th rule of the Fundamento, which says: "Wifes of esperantists do not speak Esperanto"
I am in Buenos Aires currently and I'm trying to decide if I should attend the World Congress here in a couple of months.
I read Esperanto moderately well but I have never spoken in, or listened much to spoken Esperanto. Therefore I am wondering how much I would get out of this conference if I attended it. And I don't really know what goes on at a World Congress.
Any advice for me? Thanks very much.

On several occassions I have listened foreign Esperantists visiting our country, and I have neve experienced difficulties to understand people with no language in common with me other than Esperanto. Of course, conversations with fellow citizens do not count, since one could be influenced by familiarity with the stress and pronounciation of the mothertongue.
If you would like a sample experience before signing up to the UK and cashing out the fee, perhaps we could meet for a coffee at some bar and have a little conversation. I won't laugh at your Esperanto provided you promise not to laugh at my English (which I hope we won't need, but remains at hand just in case...). Drop me a private message if you're interested. You must be warned, however, that it is my unveiled intention to convince you to attend the Congress.