
Translation help - How to say "dirty" in a moral sense?

貼文者: Christa627, 2014年6月18日

訊息: 43

語言: English

robbkvasnak (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月2日下午9:37:09

In the context "I'll make it my way" is unpragmatic for English speakers. The correct reading would be "I'll do it my way" since, as Erinja points out, there is no previous mention of something being made or to be made but rather to be done.

Christa627 (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月22日下午7:10:32

OK, the changes have been applied now. Here is the link: http://chick.com/reading/tracts/1370/1370_01.asp. I did notice that there are a few punctuation issues; if you notice any other glaring problems please let me know! Thank you again for all your help!

RiotNrrd (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月22日下午9:36:55

"To make it" is a colloquial way of saying "to be successful", "attain a goal", or even just "to survive".

For those old enough to remember (and were in a country that showed it), the chorus to the theme song of the "The Mary Tyler Moore Show" was "you're gonna make it after all".

"He tried to jump from one roof to another..."
"Did he make it?"
"Nope. Broke his leg."

"If you can make it there, you can make it anywhere, New York, New York".

I would not translate it literally into Esperanto.

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月22日下午10:08:58

Wow. You know, of course I'm familiar with the phrase "to make it". Make it in business, etc. But "I'll make it my way" just didn't call to mind that meaning of "make it" at all. It suddenly makes much more sense now that you mention this meaning.

Christa627 (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月24日下午10:13:28

Yes, but what about the tract? I would like some more experienced opinion.

morfran (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月25日上午1:18:29

Christa627:Yes, but what about the tract? I would like some more experienced opinion.
A few minor things I would have done differently:

Li estis viro BONA!
(emphatic adjectives often come after the noun)

Kio okazas? Momenton! Mi mortis! Estas la fino!
("mi estas mortinto, estas la fino" sort of sounds like he's both a corpse and the end)

Mi vivis VIVON TRE BONAN! Mi faris same kiel ĉiuj!
(emphatic word placement; typo with samkiel?)

If by flustranto you mean "gossiper", klaĉemulo might be a better word.

MOMENTON! Rigardu ...

Mi iros laŭ vojo mia! or Mi prosperos miamaniere!

Flanke, li estas unu el niaj plej bonaj laborantoj, kaj ankaŭ vera Kristano.
(ankaŭ comes before the thing it emphasizes, unless that thing is a personal pronoun.)

That's pretty much it. ridulo.gif

Christa627 (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月25日下午9:20:42

Thank you. As has been before mentioned, this project was an edit of a previously "translated" tract. The translation was so error-ridden that I felt that someone should do something about it, so I contacted Chick and offered to help them out. I am not the most qualified person for the job, but it didn't seem likely that anyone else would do it.

So my focus was mostly on grammatical errors; some of the things you mentioned are things that were already that way and I didn't bother to change because it wasn't a misplaced accusative or something. But I do want it to sound natural, not like it was written by some English-speaker with a dictionary and some rudimentary grammar ridulo.gif. I'll implement some of your suggestions, while I'm at correcting the punctuation.

Anyone have any more input? I'll take all the suggestions I can get ridego.gif.

morfran (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月25日下午10:26:51

Oh, in case this wasn't brought up earlier, the biblical quotes appear to be taken from a translation by the Brita kaj Alilanda Biblia Societo, so there's that peace of mind in case you were concerned. (In truth, I only checked the first quote and skipped the rest.)

Christa627 (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月26日下午8:50:55

morfran:Oh, in case this wasn't brought up earlier, the biblical quotes appear to be taken from a translation by the Brita kaj Alilanda Biblia Societo, so there's that peace of mind in case you were concerned. (In truth, I only checked the first quote and skipped the rest.)
Yeah, I actually checked that. This tract has the verses taken from that translation. But some of the others are evidently translated directly from the original English tracts, which use the KJV. When I do more of them I want to switch them to the aforementioned translation, since it is a translation that one can actually get in book form or online; you're not likely to find a complete Esperanto Bible anywhere that is translated straight from the KJV by who-knows-who ridulo.gif! Although Chick might prefer it that way; they are all KJV-onlyists over there!

But I can't help wondering, who translated these in the first place anyway? Different ways of treating Biblical quotes indicates different translators, but I would think that in that case someone could do better than that! Some, as I said, are better than others; I think I will look and see if there is any relation between the Bible translation used and the quality of the tract translation. (Pardon my rambling...)

erinja (顯示個人資料) 2014年7月27日下午3:00:10

I don't quite understand the KJV issue. I have been told in the past that some Christians believe that the KJV is the only "correct" English translation of the Bible. But does that mean that people who speak other languages are somehow hellbound because their, say, Croatian translation wasn't done from KJV, but from the original texts? What if you are a very educated person who is able to read the texts in the original languages?
