Příspěvky: 5
Jazyk: English
ludomastro (Ukázat profil) 22. června 2014 21:03:17

Thanks for consideration.
PS - if this is in the wrong place, please let me know how to move it.
Christa627 (Ukázat profil) 23. června 2014 19:36:42
Another great place for practicing is Lang-8 (www.lang-8.com). I don't know if you have heard of it; it is where you make posts in the language you are learning, and other people can read it and make corrections. You, in turn, can correct the entries of people who are learning a language that you speak. You can also send private messages to other users, just like on Lernu. I really wish there were more of us actually active there, though. You can find me there, I have the same username as here.
risgrynsgroet (Ukázat profil) 5. července 2014 13:46:20
keithcleaver (Ukázat profil) 5. července 2014 20:38:23
Once I've worked out what my Skype name is, I'll post it here, but in the meantime, you can always PM me here.
EDIT: Skype name is keithcleaver2014
DuckFiasco (Ukázat profil) 5. července 2014 22:58:54

Bonvolu aldoni ankaux min al viaj amiklistoj! Mia Skajpa nomo estas erikgepardi.