Contribuții/Mesaje: 34
Limbă: English
bartlett22183 (Arată profil) 27 iunie 2014, 19:51:15
(Disclosure: I am listowner of AUXLANG as well as a regular participant.)
Kirilo81 (Arată profil) 27 iunie 2014, 20:08:08
If I get a grant, however, I'll do qualitative research first, quantitative may come later.
robbkvasnak (Arată profil) 27 iunie 2014, 21:01:18
At this time, I might, however, express a certain doubt as to any quantative results on language acquisition other than comparative statistics (a majority of the subjects showed more.... than.... when .......[completing a specific task]). You might look at Borowitz' studies in comparing native English and native Chinese speakers in the concepts of "last" and "next" as contrasted with "above" (shang) and "below" (xia) [with respective meanings] in second language acquisition.
I am very willing to help you here since this is a subject that is very dear to my heart (having studied Turkish, Mandarin, and Hawaiian).
sudanglo (Arată profil) 28 iunie 2014, 11:43:43
But it gets quite difficult to express the proportionate difficulty if I am comparing zero days with 4 days.
Now in the case of Esperanto, it takes zero time to learn the simple past, present and future of any other verb if I have learnt these forms for one verb.
If I have learnt the verb to be in English, I still have a lot more studying to do (and even more so in the case of French) to learn the forms for other verbs. I also have to learn which words can be a verb and which can't, and what they mean as a verb. (In English I can say I cycled to London, but not I trained to London - Esperanto is far less restrictive and also more transparent.)
It is perhaps not so surprising that studies of the time to acquire Esperanto to a certain standard may be lacking, when it is so obvious on a priori grounds that Esperanto must be easier.
Kirilo81 (Arată profil) 28 iunie 2014, 11:56:46
I've just dowloaded your thesis, thanks alot.
I may turn up again if may proposal gets accepted.
Yes, it's obvious to those who want to see it, but many don't, and for them you need unrefutable evidence. Furthermore there are real problems in real life communication also in Esperanto, which deserve a study.
bartlett22183 (Arată profil) 28 iunie 2014, 18:31:38
sudanglo:It is perhaps not so surprising that studies of the time to acquire Esperanto to a certain standard may be lacking, when it is so obvious on a priori grounds that Esperanto must be easier.Yes, but the original poster on AUXLANG, if I understand him and the subsequent thread correctly, is saying that "so obvious on a priori grounds" is simply inadequate for promoting E-o among non-European speakers. Some posts in the thread have asserted that E-o and other conIALs are oversold, with the claim that they are so easy, when they should be presented as easiER than natlangs rather than just "easy" as such. But again, the request is for hard data, if they exist, and not speculations, hunches, and anecdotes.
robbkvasnak (Arată profil) 28 iunie 2014, 19:02:12
So the first step in unstanding the acquisition of Esperanto is to define usage levels (if this is at all possible). Usage is however socially perceived and described since we are talking about the ability to communicate. I teach English and Spanish to non-native speakers (in both cases). Understanding narrative isone of the biggest stumbling blocks for both groups. You may be able to handle grammaticality and still be incompetent in a language (and under-performing) because your sense of narrative is non-native-like. This is one of the mistakes made by many European politicians who use English. Their pragmatics are off.
noelekim (Arată profil) 29 iunie 2014, 00:12:50
Karen Roehr-Brackin & Angela Tellier. Enhancing Children’s Language Learning: Esperanto As A Tool. 5th Essex Language Conference for Teachers, University of Essex, 2013.
Angela Tellier & Karen Roehr-Brackin. Metalinguistic awareness in children with differing language learning experience. EUROSLA Yearbook: Volume 13 (2013), pp. 81-108(28)
Adelina Solis. The Contemporary Esperanto Speech Community. 4.2: Practical attractions to Esperanto. 2012
The last one in particular refers to the relative difficulty of Esperanto for Japanese-speakers.
jaldrich (Arată profil) 29 iunie 2014, 00:20:34
robbkvasnak (Arată profil) 29 iunie 2014, 03:20:00