Pesan: 6
Bahasa: English
Sinanthiel (Tunjukkan profil) 5 Juli 2014 22.09.23
DuckFiasco (Tunjukkan profil) 5 Juli 2014 23.33.51
DIY: memfara

nornen (Tunjukkan profil) 6 Juli 2014 01.50.46
Sinanthiel (Tunjukkan profil) 7 Juli 2014 14.52.12

Thank you both very much, and thank you for helping me DuckFiasco! The term memfara, is that easily understandable by anyone that speaks Esperanto?
Ulsterano (Tunjukkan profil) 7 Juli 2014 15.27.14
morfran (Tunjukkan profil) 7 Juli 2014 23.58.43
Not sure about DIY, though. Memfara sounds like “self-making” (memferma klapo is a self-closing valve). Catalan, Spanish, Portuguese, and Russian have more or less literal translations (fes-ho tu mateix, hágalo usted mismo, faça você mesmo, and сделай сам); many others simply use the English. You might consider “la etiko ‘faru vi mem’”.