Сообщений: 4
Язык: English
Hound_of_God (Показать профиль) 13 июля 2014 г., 20:41:54
"Dum la tago, mi estas junviro ordinara. Tamen, dum la nokto nigra, mi iĝas la Vespertviro. En vestoj grisaj kaj sen flugiloj, mi batalas.
Mi kontrauxbatalas krimulojn bone, kaj mi timigas ilin kial diego kiu reĝas homojn.
Batalante, mi venkas je ĉi tio ludo."
I'm trying to say:
"During the day, I am an ordinary young man. However, during the black night, I become the Batman. In grey clothing and without wings, I fight.
I fight well against criminals, and I make them afraid like a great god who rules over humans.
Fighting, I triumph in this game."
Also, did I use "kial" correctly? I wonder if the way it is written describes the criminals rather than my actions towards them.
Again, thank you for any help.
erinja (Показать профиль) 13 июля 2014 г., 23:13:46
- I am not sure if it's only for effect that you did it this way, but though Esperanto has flexible word order, normally adjectives come before nouns (unless you're trying to make a special emphasis).
- junviro is a little strange. Most people would just say "juna viro". But the more common word for a young man is actually "junulo" (a youth). Depends on how much you want to emphasize the youth or the manhood, that's your call. Junviro is perfectly understandable and grammatical, just not a common choice.
- grey is "griza" with a z.
- kial means "why" or "for what reason". You need a different word for that (hint: you were close).
- rule is "regi"; regxi is to be a king
- the word "tio" can't describe a noun. If you're going to use "that" all alone, then "tio" is ok (example: "I hear that!" ), but if you are going to say "that [noun]", it has to be "tiu" ("I hear that noise!" )
kaŝperanto (Показать профиль) 17 июля 2014 г., 17:33:36
erinja:Perhaps Hound_of_God has taken a course or two of Spanish? I initially found it strange to not change up the word order because Esperanto reminded me so much of Spanish.
- I am not sure if it's only for effect that you did it this way, but though Esperanto has flexible word order, normally adjectives come before nouns (unless you're trying to make a special emphasis).
erinja (Показать профиль) 17 июля 2014 г., 21:34:33