Contribuții/Mesaje: 14
Limbă: English
Alkanadi (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 08:17:38
Duko (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 08:50:28
investas (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 11:43:47

Enni (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 12:43:01
efilzeo (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 12:54:27
bartlett22183 (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 18:02:44
Altebrilas (Arată profil) 15 iulie 2014, 21:43:51
patricelondon (Arată profil) 16 iulie 2014, 00:22:47
kaŝperanto (Arată profil) 17 iulie 2014, 17:54:31
Esperanto is a fun hobby, but at the end of the day I'm not going to bother if I don't somewhat believe in its goals.
Christa627 (Arată profil) 17 iulie 2014, 20:37:47
Alkanadi:What is your primary incentive for Learning Esperanto?Partly because it's fun, and partly because I'm a language nerd, but I selected "other" because my primary reason is actually related to OCPD, or something like that. I want things to be regular and consistent, and have been disturbed by the inconsistency of English for as long as I can remember. I intensely dislike irregular verbs, and irregular nouns, so when I discovered Esperanto online and read that it doesn't have those things, I couldn't resist; it was love at first sight