メッセージ: 22
言語: English
doug_maynard (プロフィールを表示) 2014年8月7日 14:30:55
kaŝperanto:I have never played it, but my neighbors are fans of D&D and we've been planning on trying to play it for some time now. I've been thinking of making my character only able to speak Esperanto for some reason (foreign land, ancient language, etc.), even though I know it would be a great inconvenience to the group. I could easily see a fantasy type game where Esperanto is the ancient language. Maybe first you would have riddles/tales written in Esperanto, but as you progressed you would encounter characters who speak it, or it would otherwise become more important.I played and was a dungeon master (DM) for D&D for years until we tried 4th edition and didn't like it that much. Pathfinder is now like D&D used to be, although a new version of D&D is just now coming out so I'm not sure what that is like. I'm currently getting into Dungeon World which is much lighter on rules and it seems more cinematic and action-oriented. While great in some ways, D&D and Pathfinder can get bogged down in details, rulebook-consulting, and trying-but-failing-to-do-something-because-of-a-crappy-dice-roll.
But, yes, I've often thought as a game master that it would be great to use a foreign language, and particularly Esperanto, to convey that the people/creatures that the players meet do not speak their "common tongue" rather than just saying "they speak to you in a language you have never heard before."

Moosader (プロフィールを表示) 2014年8月10日 18:48:58
Here is the results of the Esperantist video game poll!
View the results here
The poll lasted for about a week and received 83 responses! I am posting the results of the poll publicly, and I talk a bit more about game development and tools for getting started in this article.
There is an Esperanto version of the article, but I probably need some help with mistakes, since I am not a flawless Esperantist yet.
What do you think?
I will post the resutls to the Esperanto forum as well, if someone helps me correct errors in the Esperanto version of the article. 0
View the results here
The poll lasted for about a week and received 83 responses! I am posting the results of the poll publicly, and I talk a bit more about game development and tools for getting started in this article.
There is an Esperanto version of the article, but I probably need some help with mistakes, since I am not a flawless Esperantist yet.

What do you think?
I will post the resutls to the Esperanto forum as well, if someone helps me correct errors in the Esperanto version of the article. 0