Poruke: 11
Jezik: English
MrSlippery (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 07:57:09
Like most of you, I'm sure, I have a love for languages. I really enjoy Esperanto, and I want to get as good at speaking it as quickly as possible (that isn't to say, however, that I have any unrealistic notions of becoming fluent in a relatively short amount of time).
I was curious as to what sources you used in order to become a better Esperanto speaker (excluding this website, of course).
Personally, I prefer to use textbooks over almost any other method for studying. If someone could recommend some good books (particular those which focus on grammar), I would really appreciate it. Of course, any source you would be willing to tell me about would be greatly appreciated (textbook or not).
Thank you
Alkanadi (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 08:31:17
I try to read the Esperanto forums as much as possible. This site has an awesome feature that allows you to click each word and see the meaning.
For textbooks, I usually refer to these The Esperanto Teacher, Esperanto Self Taught, and A Complete Grammar of Esperanto
Printing them out will be cheaper than buying them but you can also buy them from Amazon if you like.
Other resources that I use on ocasion:
Wikipedia - Esperanto Grammar
Esperanto 50 Webs
Esperanto USA
I wish that Rosetta Stone would make courses for Klingon and Esperanto, as well as other constructed languages.
MrSlippery (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 08:41:28
I downloaded the books you recommended. I'm looking forward to reading them!
Alkanadi (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 08:58:07
MrSlippery:Thanks Alkanadi!You are welcome. I hope that others can provide some useful sources as well.
I downloaded the books you recommended. I'm looking forward to reading them!
sparksbet (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 13:15:48
Alkanadi:I wish that Rosetta Stone would make courses for Klingon and Esperanto, as well as other constructed languages.As someone whose school decided to switch from a normal teacher to Rosetta Stone while I was trying to learn Spanish, I have to disagree on that one...
I cannot recommend Being Colloquial in Esperanto more highly, especially if you're a native English speaker. The basic online textbooks I'd used helped me learn the fundamentals of Esperanto, but Being Colloquial taught me about the more complex sentence structures and highlighted differences between Esperanto and English grammar that the other textbooks took for granted.
tommjames (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 14:22:11
sparksbet:As someone whose school decided to switch from a normal teacher to Rosetta Stone while I was trying to learn Spanish, I have to disagree on that one...Agreed. Rosetta Stone, at least in the format I remember it, would be very unsuited to learning Esperanto. Kurso de Esperanto is probably the best desktop program we have for learning Esperanto and it's a million times better than the Rosetta Stone methodology.
kaŝperanto (Prikaz profila) 19. kolovoza 2014. 14:58:50
I believe it is important to push yourself every once in a while to jump-start your learning. I spent a long time stagnant after learning the basic grammar and vocab until I started reading Esperanto and participating in the forums here. You learn best through using the skill and teaching others - both of these are routinely done in these forums.
As for Rosetta Stone I am unsure of whether that format is suitable for Esperanto. One thing that is lacking, however, is a Pimsleur-like audio course for practicing common conversational Esperanto (as well as pronunciation and listening skills). I used an audiobook version of The Esperanto Teacher, but that format is not ideal for in-the-car learning.
MrSlippery (Prikaz profila) 20. kolovoza 2014. 08:30:01
kaŝperanto (Prikaz profila) 20. kolovoza 2014. 12:33:26
MrSlippery:Wow. Thanks everyone for the great recommendations! I really appreciate it.Nedankinde

I'm sure I speak for all the "spertuloj" here in saying that we're always excited to see new komencantoj at Lernu, and we're sometimes too eager to help.

rikforto (Prikaz profila) 24. kolovoza 2014. 03:51:29