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שפה: English
Kuniklo_Blua (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 04:42:16
Native language:American English/Southern
If possible is there anyone who can be my skype partner to help me learn the pronunciation of.
I've asked on Y!A but the answers didn't really clear it up for me.
Looking on here for hx I saw ホっ on the Japanese vers. on learnu and began pronouncing it like that but I don't know how accurate my pronunciation is.
For jx i try to pronounce it like pleasure but I end up confusing it with an odd mix of sh and the j in "jur"
For R I just can't really get it at all.
If possible a list of examples with them following a vowel to the closes pronunciation of what they'd be in English
Such as jxa jxi jxu jxo/jxe ・ra/ri/ru/ro/re ・hxa/hxi/hxe/hxo/hxu
I'd also like general tips on pronouncing words, so I don't accidentally slur them together
nornen (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 06:53:14
The Spanish "j" equals the Esperanto "hx".
You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Being American, you might even have the "r" sound in your English. Say aloud the word "edit". Many Americans pronounce it with an "r" (alveolar flap) instead of the "d".
Kuniklo_Blua (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 07:13:57
nornen:For the hx sound you can watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7zd5Ia58Ck&lis...On the video. the "h" sounds like a regular h.
The Spanish "j" equals the Esperanto "hx".
You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Being American, you might even have the "r" sound in your English. Say aloud the word "edit". Many Americans pronounce it with an "r" (alveolar flap) instead of the "d".
Now a bit more confused...
How should the regular Esperanto h sound and how should the hx sound?(Examples please)
nornen (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 07:19:42
Kuniklo_Blua:Here you have both "h" and "hx" in one word: "hehxt". (The German samples, not the French ones)nornen:For the hx sound you can watch this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I7zd5Ia58Ck&lis...On the video. the "h" sounds like a regular h.
The Spanish "j" equals the Esperanto "hx".
You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Being American, you might even have the "r" sound in your English. Say aloud the word "edit". Many Americans pronounce it with an "r" (alveolar flap) instead of the "d".
Now a bit more confused...
How should the regular Esperanto h sound and how should the hx sound?(Examples please)
Here, too.
This is an H, and for an Ĥ, you can use either this, that or yon.
All links have audio.
Kirilo81 (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 07:56:38
nornen:You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.Uh, usually the Esperanto r is pronounced (and tought to be pronounced) as a trill, not as a flap.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Of course it would make no difference, but nevertheless the trill is the normal pronounciation.
You can find the pronounciation of more than 10,000 Esperanto words in Forvo.
Kuniklo_Blua (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 08:08:50
Kirilo81:Dankon. Mi ne scias ke tiun pagxaron ekzistasnornen:You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.Uh, usually the Esperanto r is pronounced (and tought to be pronounced) as a trill, not as a flap.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Of course it would make no difference, but nevertheless the trill is the normal pronounciation.
You can find the pronounciation of more than 10,000 Esperanto words in Forvo.
orthohawk (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 15:17:05
Kirilo81:Careful, there, Kirilo. Last time I gave that advice, my post was pounced upon and denounced as wrong.........in a manner that indicated the pounder thought I should just go play with my toys and leave the grown-ups alone.nornen:You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.Uh, usually the Esperanto r is pronounced (and tought to be pronounced) as a trill, not as a flap.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Of course it would make no difference, but nevertheless the trill is the normal pronounciation.
nornen (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 17:13:47
Kirilo81:Thank you. I wasn't aware of that.nornen:You can find in the same video also the r sound, in the words garaje, jeringa, jirafa, joroba, jurar, jupiter, oreja, paraje, jefatura, jibaro, joroba, orejudo.Uh, usually the Esperanto r is pronounced (and tought to be pronounced) as a trill, not as a flap.
Note that the "r" in "rejo" is another sound (trill instead of a flap).
Of course it would make no difference, but nevertheless the trill is the normal pronounciation.
You can find the pronounciation of more than 10,000 Esperanto words in Forvo.
Would it actually matter, whether you realized a flap or a trill? I mean, there is only one /r/ phoneme in Esperanto: why not tread flaps and trills as free variations of this phoneme? It is not like in Spanish for instance where a "perito" (high-school degree) and a "perrito" (puppy) are a minimal pair, or "pera" (peach) and "perra" (bitch).
D'oh! Checking my own pronunciation, I just figured that I stupidly copy Spanish phonology into Esperanto. I use two allophones of /r/ in disjunct loci: I use a trill word-initial, and a flap otherwise (which is 100% Spanish, shame on me).
nornen (הצגת פרופיל) 21 באוגוסט 2014, 17:14:54
Kirilo81 (הצגת פרופיל) 22 באוגוסט 2014, 09:11:30
nornen:Would it actually matter, whether you realized a flap or a trill? I mean, there is only one /r/ phoneme in Esperanto: why not tread flaps and trills as free variations of this phoneme? It is not like in Spanish for instance where a "perito" (high-school degree) and a "perrito" (puppy) are a minimal pair, or "pera" (peach) and "perra" (bitch).It would not matter with single r, but could cause confusion with rr. Image beside the standard pronounciation [r] - [r:] a system [ɾ] - [r]. I know, double consonants are rare and I can hardly imagine a real-world example, but nevertheless a [r] would then be ambiguous - is it a of a "trill speaker" or a of a "flap speaker"?