Поруке: 41
Језик: English
sudanglo (Погледати профил) 26. август 2014. 10.28.46
However as Erinja has pointed out, it is not part of normal Esperanto. In normal Esperanto you are expected to work out what the implied first finaĵa element of any such pair in a derived word would be.
In the case of lupa this would be interpreted as lup(o)a, so you can't drive a wedge between that and the normal form.
It is true that sometimes a finaĵo can be embedded in a compound word as in for example nepagipova or posteulo.
It also true that sometimes there can be more than one analysis. So vestejo can be vest(i)ejo and also vest(o)ejo.
However in the vast majority of cases the root in the derived words means what the headword in the dictionary listing means.
lupo is the headword in the dictionary, so lupa means lup(o)a and not one Esperantist in a thousand would see it otherwise.
If you can find me a convincing example where lupa means lup(i)a or lup(e)a, I'll stand corrected.
cellus (Погледати профил) 27. август 2014. 10.28.16
erinja (Погледати профил) 27. август 2014. 12.15.26
Sounds a bit weird.
SciBerC (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 06.21.48
erinja:La vira pomo = the masculine appleI'd read that as 'the manly apple', however, I strongly feel that 'la vira pomo' is the man's apple, or that it has a quality of a man, the most logical being ownership..
Sounds a bit weird.
nornen (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 06.23.30
SciBerC:Except the fact that ownership is not a quality of a man...erinja:La vira pomo = the masculine appleI'd read that as 'the manly apple', however, I strongly feel that 'la vira pomo' is the man's apple, or that it has a quality of a man, the most logical being ownership..
Sounds a bit weird.
SciBerC (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 06.30.27
nornen:That is true.. I am just a bit silly though
Except the fact that ownership is not a quality of a man...

sudanglo (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 13.02.04
You could say viaj vortoj are not words that have the quality of you. So what?
Ownership may not be a quality of a man like virility, or not being able to multi-task. But la Zamenhofa teksto is surely la teksto de Zamenhof.
Alkanadi (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 13.29.54
sudanglo:But la Zamenhofa teksto is surely la teksto de Zamenhof.Can you say Teksto Zamenhofa in this word order? Or, would this change the meaning?
erinja (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 14.36.26
sergejm (Погледати профил) 28. август 2014. 16.04.04