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ustra-ისა და 8 სექტემბერი, 2014-ის მიერ

შეტყობინებები: 8

ენა: English

ustra (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 სექტემბერი, 2014 20:11:45

Please share all your cursings and swear words that you know in Esperanto!

mbalicki (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 სექტემბერი, 2014 20:27:50

My favourite one is of course “putino” (whore, slut, hooker). ridego.gif

EDIT: Fair amount of swear words can be found in a pamphlet Tabuaj vortoj en Esperanto: Vortaro kun ekzemploj pri praktika uzado (1991) by Hèctor Alòs and Kiril Velkov.

kaŝperanto (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 სექტემბერი, 2014 21:11:41

One of the more creative ones I've heard is "viringo" (man-socket or "receptacle for a man" ), with the same meaning as putino (which is also a bit creative - "female well" ).

Most of them have similar words to English (fik', fek, damne, etc.), but other than those I don't know too many. Interestingly you can tell someone to F off with one word in Esperanto, "forfikigxu". Whoever said Esperanto wasn't efficient okulumo.gif

mbalicki (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 8 სექტემბერი, 2014 21:50:03

kaŝperanto:with the same meaning as putino (which is also a bit creative - "female well" ).
No no, “putino” doesn't have anything to do with “puto” (well). It's related to words from Romance languages, like “putain” (fr., jer., ), “puttana” (it.), “puta” (sp., pt., cat. occ., ast.), “putane” (frl.) but also “πουτάνα” (gr.) and “putain” (wl.).

I must admit, that this false etymology (putin·o → put·in·o) is rather funny. ridego.gif Nevertheless, one should know, that if this word was to be included in the dictionary by Zamenhof, then he would probably alter the root and make it “puteno” or something like that.

erinja (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 9 სექტემბერი, 2014 17:46:23

Profanity doesn't really belong in these forums.

mbalicki (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 9 სექტემბერი, 2014 18:30:36

Well, we're not going to throw insults at each other. ridego.gif And a discussion about swear words, as a linguistically interesting part of the language, definitely should not be considered inappropriate.

ustra (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 9 სექტემბერი, 2014 19:02:33

It also kind of stimulates creativity. =)

morfran (მომხმარებლის პროფილი) 9 სექტემბერი, 2014 19:35:28

mbalicki:Fair amount of swear words can be found in a pamphlet Tabuaj vortoj en Esperanto: Vortaro kun ekzemploj pri praktika uzado (1991) by Hèctor Alòs and Kiril Velkov.
Back before the Flood, I bought a similar pamphlet called Knedu Min, Sinjorino! My favorite from that was the colorful “Mil papoj el Romo!”

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