
How to support the lernu site?

글쓴이: Alkanadi, 2014년 9월 10일

글: 11

언어: English

Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오전 8:50:22

I click on the ads every once and a while. Are there other ways to support the site? I don't feel safe using my credit card online.

What ways should the lernu website incorporate to make it easier for people to donate?

These are some suggestions:
- Google wallet
- SMS based (just like charities are currently using)
- Facebook credits - Or some other online credit transfer system.
- Cashu gift cards
- Western union or some other type of money transfer system.

EldanarLambetur (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 2:42:40

Are any of those really safer than paypal? Credit card + paypal is a pretty good way to go, since Paypal are a company trying to be secure, and also you are generally afforded various protections by using a credit card (as opposed to debit card for example).

(If you just like money transfers and it's actual card details you don't like giving out, then have paypal configured to do instant bank transfers instead)

Fenris_kcf (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 2:56:36

PayPal? U mad, bro!? Most shifty company ever.

EldanarLambetur (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 3:15:54

Lol I can't tell if that's sarcasm! You've certainly got to stomach a certain level of shiftiness if you're going to even let a bank keep hold of your money in the first place...

Fenris_kcf (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 3:40:07

PayPal really is a pain in the ass. I used it several years ago until they've blocked the accounts for Wikileaks-donations and kept the money that was in transeferation-state. They didn't even had to balls to admit that they did it as an act of submissiveness towards the US-American government. But that's not all; there are serious clues, that PayPal plays dirty games with the money of its customers; if you can read German, take a look at this report! There are dozens of other online-payment-systems with a less shifty policy, so why use PayPal?

Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 3:45:33

Fenris_kcf:PayPal really is a pain in the ass. I used it several years ago until they've blocked the accounts for Wikileaks-donations and kept the money that was in transeferation-state. They didn't even had to balls to admit that they did it as an act of submissiveness towards the US-American government. But that's not all; there are serious clues, that PayPal plays dirty games with the money of its customers; if you can read German, take a look at this report! There are dozens of other online-payment-systems with a less shifty policy, so why use PayPal?
Paypal is the most popular. I think that is why people use it. I don't use my cards online period.

I totally forgot about visa gift cards. That is an easy and safe way around the problem.

JaapJoosten (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 4:16:55

Is the way of using traveller cheques a better way to help Lernu? I do not want to use a creditcard or Paypal or any credit systems on the internet. If there is a way to support Lernu, then I want to hear about it.


Alkanadi (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 4:33:44

JaapJoosten:Is the way of using traveller cheques a better way to help Lernu? I do not want to use a creditcard or Paypal or any credit systems on the internet. If there is a way to support Lernu, then I want to hear about it.
Payment options

They have a few payment options but nothing easy or convenient for me. Wouldn't it be cool if you could enter your phone number, then you receive a text message asking for money. You reply with a "Yes" or "No". Then your donation shows up on your mobile phone bill.

Or, what if you went to wallmart and purchased a facebook gift card. Then you log into facebook and go to the lernu app and enter the card numbers.

JaapJoosten (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 5:07:59

@Alkanadi, for someone, who lives in Europe, is the way for paying with Walmart gift cards not an easy way to give money. I live in the Netherlands, we have Albert Heijn, Jumbo and some minor supermarkets. We do not have Walmart. Though we can buy traveller cheques at the bank. I was thinking to myself to send the team of Lernu a traveller cheque. But I do not have an idea how I must send to them. Giving money by using a creditcard is for me not an option.

I am thinking that giving money by sending a marked cheque with a letter from the sender, for me an easy way is to give money to the Lernu Foundation. So I consider that at the and of the year I wil give money in that way to the Lernu site.

Jaap Joosten

erinja (프로필 보기) 2014년 9월 10일 오후 5:25:45

We have users all over the world. PayPal accepts payments from all over the world. We haven't found a better site as far as ability to accept payments from a lot of places.

We get a lot of comments, "Why don't you accept [insert method here]?". Usually it's because [method] is time consuming to set up and is available only in one or two countries. We have users in a lot of different countries, and a lot of these localized payment systems require having a bank account in the country in question. Fees and various national finance rules simply don't permit us to set up bank accounts in every country of the world. We want to receive donations, but if we have to set up a bank account in a certain country, pay $50 (or whatever) in fees per year to maintain it, and set up so-and-so's preferred payment method -- just to receive $5 in donations from that user, it's not worth it to us in time or money.

We want to make it easy to donate, but at the same time, we aren't willing to lose money in setting up easy ways for people to donate, and there are a limited number of hours in the day (see: three staff members who all have day jobs that do not involve this site).

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