Поруке: 19
Језик: English
zazi (Погледати профил) 10. септембар 2014. 18.28.13
"Kelkfoje mi memoras fari tion." seems wrong to me, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it is fine.
mbalicki (Погледати профил) 10. септембар 2014. 18.41.55
But again, let's wait for some pros to comment on that.
nornen (Погледати профил) 10. септембар 2014. 23.37.22
Z himself never[1] used this construction. He mostly uses "memori pri" and "memori, ke".
So maybe: Kelkfoje mi memoras ke mi faru (devas fari) tion.
Supposing that "Sometimes I remember to do that." implies an obligation which you frequently forget, but sometimes you do carry out that obligation (hence the -u or devas).
[1] At least I can't find any evidence of it in the tekstaro.
morfran (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 00.10.02
zazi:How would I say "Sometimes I remember to do that."?Depending on what you mean by “sometimes”, there are different ways to say it, each with its own subtle shade of difference:
"Kelkfoje mi memoras fari tion." seems wrong to me, but I'm not sure why. Maybe it is fine.
iafoje: On some (types of) definite occasions
iufoje: On certain, sporadic occasions
kelk(a)foje: On some (but not many — refers to amount) definite occasions
plurfoje: On multiple occasions
As for memori fari, I don’t see a problem with that construction, since the subjects of memori and fari are the same:
ni devas memori, ke nia lingvo devas servi […] ankaŭ por la vivo || we must remember that our language must serve life, too (Z)
ni devas memori servi […] ankaŭ por la vivo || we must remember to serve life, too
zazi (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 01.22.49
nornen:In the tekstaro you can find "memori + infinitive", but exclusively in non-Zamenhofian works.That is the sense I was going for. Thanks!
Z himself never[1] used this construction. He mostly uses "memori pri" and "memori, ke".
So maybe: Kelkfoje mi memoras ke mi faru (devas fari) tion.
Supposing that "Sometimes I remember to do that." implies an obligation which you frequently forget, but sometimes you do carry out that obligation (hence the -u or devas).
[1] At least I can't find any evidence of it in the tekstaro.
zazi (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 01.45.28
Depending on what you mean by “sometimes”, there are different ways to say it, each with its own subtle shade of difference:
iafoje: On some (types of) definite occasions
iufoje: On certain, sporadic occasions
kelk(a)foje: On some (but not many — refers to amount) definite occasions
plurfoje: On multiple occasions
As for memori fari, I don’t see a problem with that construction, since the subjects of memori and fari are the same:
ni devas memori, ke nia lingvo devas servi […] ankaŭ por la vivo || we must remember that our language must serve life, too (Z)
ni devas memori servi […] ankaŭ por la vivo || we must remember to serve life, too
I guess it could be iufoje, though I am not entirely sure of the distinction between that and kelkfoje.
As for memori fari, I haven't seen it anywhere, but I don't read much beyond beginner level. When I start stringing together verbs myself, I never know if I have it quite right. Sometimes I think it is right because it works in English (and I already know what I am trying to say so it is clear to me). Other times I think I am mixing in the tiny amount of Spanish I remember from school.
sergejm (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 06.39.10
sudanglo (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 10.37.04
But given that you can say Ĉu vu forgesis ŝlosi la pordon, I don't see why you can't say Ĉu vi memoris ŝlosi la pordon.
Also this seems to follow a common pattern in many European languages.
There seems to me to a difference of existential import between
1. Ĉu vi forgesis, ke vi slosis la pordon
2. Ĉu vi forgesis ŝlosi la pordon.
sergejm (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 11.02.02
Я забыл закрыть дверь
Mi forgesis ŝlosi la pordon.
I have forgotten to lock the door
Я вспомнил, что нужно закрыть дверь.
Mi rememoris, ke necesas ŝlosi la pordon.
I have remembered [that it is necessary] to lock the door
sudanglo (Погледати профил) 11. септембар 2014. 11.21.38
1. Mi forgesis ŝlosi la pordon
2. Mi rememoris, ke necesas ŝlosi la pordon.
Penso pri la neceso ion fari ne havas klaran implicon pri ĉu vi faris aŭ ne faris.