Сообщений: 7
Язык: English
Magyar (Показать профиль) 12 сентября 2014 г., 19:04:56
I use a program named Kurso de Esperanto to study Esperanto. Each lesson has a practice exercise at the end, but does not check your answers. Does anyone mind checking mine?
1. He loves her.
Li amas ŝin.
2. He loves her sister.
Li amas ŝian fratinon.
3. She loves him.
Lin amas ŝi.
4. The first man loves the first woman.
La viro unua amas la virinon duan.
5. The second woman hates the first man.
La viro duan malamas la viron unuan.
La knaboj petis unue kukojn triajn. (I did not use a word for "for" here. Is it built into "peti?"
7. Secondly they asked for lemonade.
Due, ili petis limonado.
8. The store badly makes the small bread.
La butiko faras malbone la panon malgrandan.
9. My brother walks during the mornings. ("Morning-ly")
Mia frato promenas matene.
10. Your friend warmly replied.
Via amiko replikis varme.
11. The teacher writes well.
La instruisto skribas bone.
12. The old woman lives healthily.
La virino malnova vivas sane.
nornen (Показать профиль) 12 сентября 2014 г., 19:13:17
Magyar:1. He loves her.
Li amas ŝin.
2. He loves her sister.
Li amas ŝian fratinon.
3. She loves him.
Lin amas ŝi.
4. The first man loves the first woman.
La viro unua amas la virinon unuan.
5. The second woman hates the first man.
La virino dua- malamas la viron unuan.
6. First the boys asked for the third cookies??? Maybe "la trian kukon" or "tri kukojn"?
La knaboj petis unue kukojn triajn. (I did not use a word for "for" here. Is it built into "peti?"
7. Secondly they asked for lemonade.
Due, ili petis limonadon.
8. The store badly makes the small bread.
La butiko faras malbone la panon malgrandan.
9. My brother walks during the mornings. ("Morning-ly")
Mia frato promenas matene.
10. Your friend warmly replied.
Via amiko replikis varme.
11. The teacher writes well.
La instruisto skribas bone.
12. The old woman lives healthily.
La virino maljuna vivas sane.
Magyar (Показать профиль) 12 сентября 2014 г., 21:12:16
nornen:Sorry about that. I meant to write:Magyar:
6. First the boys asked for the third cookies??? Maybe "la trian kukon" or "tri kukojn"?
La knaboj petis unue kukojn triajn. (I did not use a word for "for" here. Is it built into "peti?"
6. First the boys asked for three cakes.
nornen (Показать профиль) 12 сентября 2014 г., 23:16:46
Magyar:Unue la knaboj petis tri kukojn.nornen:Sorry about that. I meant to write:Magyar:
6. First the boys asked for the third cookies??? Maybe "la trian kukon" or "tri kukojn"?
La knaboj petis unue kukojn triajn. (I did not use a word for "for" here. Is it built into "peti?"
6. First the boys asked for three cakes.
Magyar (Показать профиль) 12 сентября 2014 г., 23:46:59
nornen (Показать профиль) 13 сентября 2014 г., 0:50:03
Magyar:Okay, so numbers are not declined according to accusativity or plurality?Exactely, cardinal numbers are indeclensable (unu tago, unu tagon, du tagoj, du tagojn), while ordinal numbers are declined as if they were adjectives (unua tago, unuan tagon, unuaj tagoj, unuajn tagojn).
Post scriptum: You can indeed decline numbers if you make them substantives.
Mi havas dekdu (dek du?) pomojn. (dekdu is a cardinal number.)
Mi havas dekduon da pomoj. (dekduo is a noun.)
Mi havas cent pomojn. (cent is a cardinal number.)
Mi havas centon da pomoj. (cento is a noun.)
Mi havas mil pomojn. (mil is a cardinal number.)
Mi havas milon da pomoj. (milo is a noun.)
Note the missing -n on pomoj, because it isn't anymore the direct object, but part of a prepositional phrase (headed by da).
NoordZee (Показать профиль) 13 сентября 2014 г., 0:50:26
Magyar:Hello all,Hello,
I use a program named Kurso de Esperanto to study Esperanto. Each lesson has a practice exercise at the end, but does not check your answers. Does anyone mind checking mine?
1. He loves her.
Li amas ŝin.
2. He loves her sister.
Li amas ŝian fratinon.
3. She loves him.
Lin amas ŝi.
4. The first man loves the first woman.
La viro unua amas la virinon duan.
5. The second woman hates the first man.
La viro duan malamas la viron unuan.
La knaboj petis unue kukojn triajn. (I did not use a word for "for" here. Is it built into "peti?"
7. Secondly they asked for lemonade.
Due, ili petis limonado.
8. The store badly makes the small bread.
La butiko faras malbone la panon malgrandan.
9. My brother walks during the mornings. ("Morning-ly")
Mia frato promenas matene.
10. Your friend warmly replied.
Via amiko replikis varme.
11. The teacher writes well.
La instruisto skribas bone.
12. The old woman lives healthily.
La virino malnova vivas sane.
A few things here:
4. La unua viro amas la duan virinon. I would put the adjectives in front of viro and virinon.
5. La dua virino malamas la unuan viron. Note dua- not duan. Same remarks in respect of adjectives as in 4.
6. La knaboj unue petis tri kukojn. The verb peti means to ask for so for should not be translated separately.
7. Due ili petis limonadon. Limonadon is the object, hence the 'n'.
12. La maljuna virino vivas sane. Malnova refers more to an object but you cannot have a malnova person. At least not within the context of this question.
Please also watch where you place your adjectives.
Good luck with the rest of your course.