
Esperanto Street


メッセージ: 16

言語: English

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月24日 8:02:47

For those who don't know, there are a few streets in the world named "Esperanto street". There is one in Las Vegas NV, Port St. Lucie FL, and Gloucester MA.

If anyone is close by, can you take a photo of the street sign and upload it for us. Thanks

Ivalbe (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月24日 9:15:03

In Valencia (Spain), there is a street named "Doctor Zamenhof". The sign is made of stone and has it's face too!
Cool sign

Alkanadi (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月24日 10:04:51

Ivalbe:In Valencia (Spain), there is a street named "Doctor Zamenhof". The sign is made of stone and has it's face too!
Cool sign
Interesting. Thanks for sharing

sergejm (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月24日 10:13:26

In Russia, Kazan, Tatar respublic's capital city, there is street Esperanto too.

Rujo (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月24日 11:51:07

At google map I found a few blocks and one avenue, but it seems to me that there are too many busts and some village names. Professor Zamenhof Street, Peruche Park, São Paulo; Zamenhof Avenue, Promissão, São Paulo; Zamenhof Square, Floresta, SP; Lazarus Zamenhof Street, RS; Zamenhof Street, Estacio, Rio de Janeiro; Doctor Zamenhof Street, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro; Zamenhof Street, Jataí, Goiás; Dr. Zamenhof Street, Caraianos, Santa Catarina; Zamenhof Street, São João, Rio Grande do Sul; Lazarus Zamenhof Street, N. Sra. de Fatima, Pelotas, RS; Lazarus Zamenhof Street, San Fernando, PR; Lazarus Zamenhof Street, Areal, RS; Dr. Luiz Zamenhof Street, Jardim Lisa, SP. There are also several busts of Zamenhof in some cities of Rio de Janeiro, Macaé, Campos and Nova Friburgo. Out of the cities mentioned, only one or two are a bit cute, others are very simple. However, the busts are pretty good. Finally, there is a district called Nova Espero (New Hope), it seems to me that in the city Pato Branco, State Paraná; and in the city Nova Floresta, state of Goiás, it is the Good Hope Farm, where there the poor children learn Esperanto together with the portuguese.

Ĉe guglomapoj mi trovis kelkajn stratojn kaj unu avenuon, tamen ŝajnas al mi ke ekzistas ankaŭ multaj bustoj kaj iuj vilaĝaj nomoj. Rua Professor Zamenhof, Parque Peruche, São Paŭlo; Avenida Zamenhof, Promissão, São Paŭlo; Praça Zamenhof, Floresta, SP; Rua Lázaro Zamenhof, RS; Rua Zamenhof, Estácio, Rio de Janeiro; Rua Doutor Zamenhof, Macaé, Rio de Janeiro; Rua Zamenhof, Jataí, Goiás; Rua Dr. Zamenhof, Caraianos, Santa Catarina; Rua Zamenhof, São João, Rio Grande do Sul; Rua Lázaro Zamenhof, N. Sra. de Fátima, Pelotas, RS; Rua Lázaro Zamenhof, San Fernando, PR; Rua Lázaro Zamenhof, Areal, RS; Rua Dr. Luiz Zamenhof, Jardim Lisa, SP. Ekzistas ankaŭ kelkaj bustoj de Zamenhof en iuj urboj de Rio de Janeiro: Macaé, Campos e Nova Friburgo. El la urboj cititaj, nur unu aŭ du estas iomete belaj, la aliaj estas tre simplaj. Tamen la bustoj estas tre bonaspektaj. Finfine, estas distrikto nomita Nova Espero, ŝajnas al mi ke en la urbo Pato Branco, ŝtato Paranao; kaj en la urbo Nova Floresta, Gojaso, estas la Bieno Bona Espero, kie la malriĉaj infanoj lernas Esperanton kune kun la portugala.

erinja (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月24日 15:56:08

Remember that this is the English forum, please edit your message to include a translation.

Nightflush (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月28日 22:02:02

In Austria, Linz we have a monument: Picture from Wikipedia

noelekim (プロフィールを表示) 2014年9月30日 3:00:09

Stroll down Esperanto Road, Auckland, New Zealand: goo.gl/2qykrH

Christa627 (プロフィールを表示) 2014年10月1日 20:08:06

Wow, I should move, just so I can have an address on Esperanto Street (or Road, or whatever)! Bound to be better than living on Esperanto Island, anyway ridulo.gif.

As for my geographical area, I'd be hard pressed to find an Esperantist (besides myself, obviously), let alone a street named Esperanto!

Christa627 (プロフィールを表示) 2014年10月1日 20:11:16

Or maybe I could live on the asteroid named Esperanto...

Oh, wow. Apparently there are inscriptions in Esperanto on discs carried by Voyager 1 and Voyager 2!* I didn't know that, is that just in case all the space aliens actually do speak Esperanto (as I've said all along ridulo.gif)?

*At least, that's what Wikipedia claims(see also), but I can't find any indication of that on the NASA website or anywhere else.
