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di Bruso, 24 settembre 2014

Messaggi: 6

Lingua: English

Bruso (Mostra il profilo) 24 settembre 2014 19:25:05

What is a good English translation for the word "bonstile"? The literal "well-styled" just sounds awkward and unidiomatic to me.

Example, in the foreward to "Vivo de Zamenhof":
Esperante ĉiam konservi la memoron de sia amata Prezidinto, Bolingbroke Mudie, kiu perdis sian vivon deĵorante en Francujo dum la granda milito (je la 6-a de Januaro 1916, en la tridek-sesa jaro de sia aĝo), la Brita Esperantistaro donacis kelkajn milojn da spesmiloj, por ebligi, ke la Brita Esperanto-Asocio eldonu, sub la suprenomita titolo, serion da bonstile verkitaj libroj — originalaĵoj kaj tradukoj — kiuj, laŭ tipografio, presado, formato, kaj enhavo, iom post iom fariĝu ne nur inda trezoro de Esperanta Literaturo, sed vivanta atesto de amo kaj estimo por nia nobla kaj neforgesebla amiko.
It almost seems "bonstile verkitaj" would translate as "well-written", but then why not just "bonverkitaj"?

nornen (Mostra il profilo) 24 settembre 2014 19:41:55

I can't help you with a good English word, but I do see a difference between bonverkita and bonstile verkita.

For instance a scientific paper can at the same time be "bonverkita" (good content, correct proofs, good sources, thorough, etc) and not be "bonstile verkita" (the actual literary style is bad).
A scientific paper can also at the same time be "bonstile verkita" (It reads like a book by a great literary author) but not be "bonverkita" (just pseudo-scientific trash).

For instance, most RFCs are really bonverkitaj, but not necessarily bonstilaj.

Alkanadi (Mostra il profilo) 25 settembre 2014 09:38:10

I think you need context when you translate something. Maybe, the words "nicely styled" would be appropriate if you are talking about hair. What is the context?

Bruso (Mostra il profilo) 25 settembre 2014 12:45:27

Alkanadi:What is the context?
I gave that in the first post of this thread.

kaŝperanto (Mostra il profilo) 25 settembre 2014 20:23:55

I would say "stylishly worked/written books" is a decent translation. Well-styled or nicely stiled would both work as well, IMHO.

nornen:I can't help you with a good English word, but I do see a difference between bonverkita and bonstile verkita.

For instance a scientific paper can at the same time be "bonverkita" (good content, correct proofs, good sources, thorough, etc) and not be "bonstile verkita" (the actual literary style is bad).
A scientific paper can also at the same time be "bonstile verkita" (It reads like a book by a great literary author) but not be "bonverkita" (just pseudo-scientific trash).

For instance, most RFCs are really bonverkitaj, but not necessarily bonstilaj.
I'd agree, the two concepts are different. Also, are you speaking of Request For Comments? If so, I happen to like the "minimalist style" in which the RFCs are written. okulumo.gif

sudanglo (Mostra il profilo) 27 settembre 2014 10:36:27

Bonstile verkita - well-written, literate, stylish, polished, elegantly written. But to translate serion de bonstilaj verkitaj libroj, it would probably be best to go for a circumlocution such as 'a series of books from good authors.

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