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A fair warning to the beginner

AllenHartwell :lta, 25. syyskuuta 2014

Viestejä: 14

Kieli: English

kaŝperanto (Näytä profiilli) 25. syyskuuta 2014 20.17.08

gordonflanagan:Surely the title of this thread is going to put beginners off. I am sure Zamenhof would not agree with the views expressed in the first message. Also,shouldn't the writer moderate his language?
I make a lot of mistakes in my messages and e-mails - partly because I try to translate exactly from English to Esperanto and it doesn't always work. I am sure it is the same with translations from other foreign languages. I will see something that I think is incorrect and then think that maybe that is how they would have said it in their language. I don't think they should leave Esperanto.
I am staying and the author of this thread will just have to accept my mistakes. Of course, when he sees my name he can ignore my writings.
Don't fret; AllenHartwell is nothing more than a juvenile troll. It keeps posting similar nonsense all over the forums. If its message offends you, report it (I did).

Christa627 (Näytä profiilli) 26. syyskuuta 2014 19.39.31

AllenHartwell: Our fina venka will be achieved with or without you.
Wow, the self-proclaimed "spertulo" can't even spell "fina venko"! And he makes plenty of other spelling/grammar errors; guess he should "stop destroying Esperanto" and go learn Interlingua!murdisto.gif

AllenHartwell:Refrain from using made up terms...
Ummm... this is a constructed language, did you forget? All the terms are made up!

P.S. @Allen: Do you honestly think that sticking a smiley face at the end of your message will make people believe you're not trolling?!?

kaŝperanto (Näytä profiilli) 26. syyskuuta 2014 21.45.05

AllenHartwell: Our fina venka will be achieved with or without you.
Wow, the self-proclaimed "spertulo" can't even spell "fina venko"! And it makes plenty of other spelling/grammar errors; guess it should "stop destroying Esperanto" and go learn Interlingua!murdisto.gif

AllenHartwell:Refrain from using made up terms...
Ummm... this is a constructed language, did you forget? All the terms are made up!

P.S. @Allen: Do you honestly think that sticking a smiley face at the end of your message will make people believe you're not trolling?!?
Trolls are not people, and are unworthy of any pronoun except for "it".

Yakin (Näytä profiilli) 27. syyskuuta 2014 2.37.01

Ri certe estas ŝerculiĉo
Hope you enjoy that sentence...also get over yourself.

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