Messaggi: 7
Lingua: English
lagtendisto (Mostra il profilo) 03 ottobre 2014 20:03:55
how to translate 'driven' inside this text? Can I use 'irota'?
'In the future, Ukraine’s production and export growth is likely to be driven by integration into the European, primarily German, supply chain,...'
'En futuro, verŝajna alkreskado de ukraina produktado kaj eksporto estas 'irota' per enmeto al eŭropa, ĉefa germana, ekonomia al-liverota ĉeno, ...'
Here at English forum section its not intended to open political discussion. Instead of, please use regarding thread in esperantalingva forum section.
Thanks. Amike,
robbkvasnak (Mostra il profilo) 03 ottobre 2014 21:48:17
Or maybe you could use "antaŭenigata" (which is a little bit heavy on style and somewhat of a monster of a word in length).
Of course, I am only indicating the grammatical solution and not a expressing a political opinion.
Bruso (Mostra il profilo) 04 ottobre 2014 01:08:30
cause (something abstract) to happen or develop.Lernu's Vortaro gives "okazigi" as "to cause to take place". Does that work?
"the consumer has been driving the economy for a number of years"
noelekim (Mostra il profilo) 04 ottobre 2014 01:47:19
... manke de memcentrita disvolvado *impulsata de* publikaj investoj kaj nutrata de pagipova loka postulo, tiu modelo povas nur daŭrigi la akrajn regionajn malegalecojn.
Rugxdoma (Mostra il profilo) 04 ottobre 2014 09:35:51
"Estonta evoluo de la ukraina ekonomio versxajne estos kauzita de integrado en la euxropajn, precipe germanajn liverocxenojn ..."
If that is not the intended meaning, but the stress is on "driven", thus: it will be DRIVEN, after a period without a motor, then something like Robb's suggestion perhaps would be a reasonable translation:
Estonta ukraina ekonomio versxajne estos evoluigata per/de integrado en la euxropajn, precipe germanajn liverocxenojn ...
Estonta ukraina ekonomio versxajne evoluos pro integrado en la euxropajn, precipe germanajn liverocxenojn ...
sudanglo (Mostra il profilo) 04 ottobre 2014 12:15:06
In this case it might be better to restructure the sentence.
Estonte, la motoro de Ukrainia ekonomio verŝajne estos la integriĝo ...
Verŝajne la integriĝo kun Eŭropo fariĝos la kreskiga faktoro por ...
lagtendisto (Mostra il profilo) 04 ottobre 2014 15:23:20
Rugxdoma:... is taken for granted, just that the motor will be a new one.Pooh, I don't understand that. Maybe the whole paragraph should be analyzed completely before translating 'to be driven'.
'A's production and export growth is likely to be driven by integration into 'C' supply chain, ... putting 'A' on same economic and structural path that 'B' has already gone through ... This is how 'B' have developed. 'A' should be able to thrive as the new link in the 'C' supply chain. Foreign direct investment from 'C' and 'D' will give impetus to this development, but almost everywhere most investment comes from the 'A' itself.
Ho, ve.