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Esperanto is incubating on Duolingo!

by disgustus, October 19, 2014

Messages: 16

Language: English

petropensilvanio (User's profile) October 22, 2014, 4:21:08 AM

What is the H- method?

Fenris_kcf (User's profile) October 22, 2014, 9:26:22 AM

disgustus:Do you know if Esperanto on Duolingo is going to allow use of the X- or H-methods, or will it only use the Unicode letters Ŝ, Ĉ, Ĥ, Ů, and so on?
When i tried with Dutch, its validator was fuzzy, i.e. it allowed several translations. So i guess the system is also capable of handling different writing methods. In addition it offers a little character-map, allowing one to insert letters with diacritics.

Christa627 (User's profile) October 22, 2014, 6:28:43 PM

petropensilvanio:What is the H- method?
Mostly like the x-system, only with an h. So, ch=ĉ, gh=ĝ, hh=ĥ, jh=ĵ, sh=ŝ, and u=ŭ (no h for u). It is the method recommended in the Fundamento, but may cause some ambiguity, especially for computerized text-to-speech and supersign programs, for example, "flughaveno" is not "fluĝaveno." So in computer applications, the x-system is used almost exclusively, and is also the most widespread system for other things. Of course, it is always best to use real supersigns when possible. Eĥoŝanĝo ĉiuĵaŭde!

zaragorti (User's profile) October 22, 2014, 6:51:08 PM

disgustus:Do you know if Esperanto on Duolingo is going to allow use of the X- or H-methods, or will it only use the Unicode letters Ŝ, Ĉ, Ĥ, Ů, and so on?
I'm slowly learning French on Duolingo. All the accented letters not normally present on an English keyboard are shown as clickable icons below any text field. If I change my keyboard layout to Esperanto I can type accented letters in Duolingo, just not very useful for French. So it looks like no H or X system will be needed if you install an Esperanto keyboard layout.

ruth3209 (User's profile) October 24, 2014, 6:40:00 PM

For the accented letters in Esperanto, Duolingo will provide a virtual keyboard that contains those letters, below each text field (just as they do for French and other languages on the site). We are also working with them to see if it is technically possible to accept responses written in x-system.

disgustus (User's profile) October 25, 2014, 7:20:48 PM

ruth3209:For the accented letters in Esperanto, Duolingo will provide a virtual keyboard that contains those letters, below each text field (just as they do for French and other languages on the site). We are also working with them to see if it is technically possible to accept responses written in x-system.
Cool beans! Typing the Unicode symbols isn't a problem, even on a Chromebook (just use the English International keyboard), but I personally prefer the X-system.

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