Pesan: 12
Bahasa: English
Leke (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 06.56.23
Example sentence: Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadi tra la arbaro?
Sentence meaning: Do you want to hike through the woods?
I would have translated it as, "Do you like to hike through the woods?". For me the two mean very different things.
So if the above is correct, is there a different way of saying do you like to do something in Esperanto?
sergejm (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 08.06.31
LMMO, marŝadi is as military men walk.
Ĉu vi ŝatas? Ĉu plaĉas al vi? = Do you like?
Ĉu vi amas? = Do you love?
Ĉu vi volas? = Do you want?
But they can say "Ĉu vi ŝatus promeni tra la arbaro?" to ask, would you want to walk.
oreso (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 08.56.45
"Do you like hiking (as a hobby) through the wood?"
"Jes" could mean "I like it, but not now" or "Yes, I like watching it on really weird sports channels" or "
"Marŝi" suggests walking with effort, whereas "promeni" is leisurely. I'd put "hiking" under "marŝi".
Really, why not just go for the simple:
"Ĉu vi volas marŝi tra la arbaro?"
We can use "volus" to make it hypothetical, but Esperanto may not consider that more polite like it is in English. It might suggest just the more literal meaning "Would you want to hike through the woods, if things were different?"
I dunno.
Matthieu (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 13.29.05
Leke:Example sentence: Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadi tra la arbaro?You are right, the translation is incorrect.
Sentence meaning: Do you want to hike through the woods?
I would have translated it as, "Do you like to hike through the woods?". For me the two mean very different things.
Alkanadi (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 14.13.08
Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadi tra la arbaro?
Would you like to hike through the forest
Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadas tra la arbaro?
Do you like hiking through the forest
Fenris_kcf (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 15.50.27
Alkanadi:Just my noob opinion:Sorry, but that's wrong. Just like the English sentence "You like are there." instead of "You like to be there."
Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadi tra la arbaro?
Would you like to hike through the forest
Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadas tra la arbaro?
Do you like hiking through the forest
sergejm (Tunjukkan profil) 20 Oktober 2014 16.11.18
Alkanadi (Tunjukkan profil) 21 Oktober 2014 07.50.50
sergejm:There can be only one verb with -as/is/os ending (or some verbs linked by by kaj/aŭ etc.) in a simple sentence. This is the main verb of the sentence.This is from the Tekstaro:
...Kaj kion tio signifas komprenas nur tiu...
...kion vi petas valoras tridek mil frankojn...
...kiu mi parolas estas rajta edzino tre honesta...
...Via Moŝto kastile tradukas plaĉas...
...La celo por kiu ni laboras povas esti...
Fenris_kcf (Tunjukkan profil) 21 Oktober 2014 07.59.15
...Kaj kion tio signifas komprenas nur tiu...All these examples lack a comma between the verbs separating the two subsentences. I don't know if the comma is optional, but i'd definitely place it.
...kion vi petas valoras tridek mil frankojn...
...kiu mi parolas estas rajta edzino tre honesta...
...La celo por kiu ni laboras povas esti...
... oh, and it should be "kiun mi parolas"
...Via Moŝto kastile tradukas plaĉas...That one is just wrong IMO.
pohli (Tunjukkan profil) 21 Oktober 2014 08.09.28
Alkanadi:This way you ask if someone likes hiking at all.
Ĉu vi ŝatas marŝadi tra la arbaro?
Do you like hiking through the forest?
But if you want to say
Would you like to hike through the forest?
(e.g. if that person wants to come with you for the next hike) this can better be translated as
Ĉu vi volas marŝadi tra la arbaro?
You could also translate "would like" as
Ĉu vi ŝatus marŝadi tra la arbaro?