
Translation challenge


メッセージ: 21

言語: English

Christa627 (プロフィールを表示) 2014年11月15日 20:35:10

Christa627:According to this article, there are multiple Mayan languages; which one is that?
Aree li aatinob'aal Q'eqchi'.
This the talk-means Q'eqchi'.

Li aatinob'aal Q'eqchi' a'an raatinob'aaleb' li xk'ihal laj Q'eqchi' wankeb' sa' xteepal Alta Verapaz, ut naab'al aj wi' nake'aatinank re aran Peten, Izabal, K'iche' ut b'ayaq sa' li xteepal Belice.
The talk-means Q'eqchi' this their-talk-means the his-many the-man Q'eqchi' they-are-there in his-territory Alta Verapaz, and many also they-talk-antipassive its-to there Peten, Izabal, K'iche' and furthermore in the his-territory Belice.

aatin = word, opinion, speech
aatin-o-b'aal = parol-il(o) = ilo por paroli = lingvo
Wow; the sheer variety of languages in the world has been a never-ending source of amazement to me, ever since I came to the shocking realization that another language is not just some kind of word-swap code. Humans are so similar to each other, and yet find such different ways of getting their ideas across, and then sometimes, when one analyzes them, one finds that fundamentally, they aren't really so different after all, because we're all describing the same world. I wish I could learn all of them, but alas, I can't; so I resort to learning a little bit about a wide variety of languages, and don't become fluent or even reasonably proficient in any of them except Esperanto (I know Spanish is listed in my profile, but I can mostly only read it, my speaking/writing ability in it is quite minimal).
