Повідомлення: 3
Мова: English
BoriQa (Переглянути профіль) 5 листопада 2014 р. 01:15:47
Zamenhof:2. Substantives are formed by adding o to the root. For the plural, the letter j must be added to the singular. There are two cases: the nominative and the objective (accusative). The root with the added o is the nominative, the objective adds an n after the o. Other cases are formed by prepositions; thus, the possessive (genitive) by de, “of”; the dative by al, “to”; the instrumental (ablative) by kun, “with”, or other preposition as the sense demands. E.g., root patr, “father”; la patr'o, “the father”; patr'o'n, “father” (objective), de la patr'o, “of the father”, al la patr'o, “to the father”, kun la patr'o, “with the father”; la patro'j, “the fathers”; la patro'j'n, “the fathers” (obj.), por la patr'o'j, “for the fathers”.Rule number 2 of the 16 in Dr. Esperanto's First Book says that the preposition "kun" is used for the instrumental case (which indicates that a noun is the instrument or means by or with which the subject achieves or accomplishes an action).
I may have been mistaken, but I thought that the preposition that was used for the instrumental was "per". I somehow remember that "kun" was specifically used when "togetherness" was implied.
Can someone please clarify for me the usage for these two prepositions?
sergejm (Переглянути профіль) 5 листопада 2014 р. 05:48:42
In Russian language, the preposition “с” (“kun”, “with”) is used with “творительный падеж” (“instrumental case”). So this rule is a not good translation of the Russian First Book.
Vi povas skribi per plumo. = You can write by a pen.
Kun plumo vi povas skribi = With a pen, you can write. ≈ If you have a pen, you can write.
Kun helpo de plumo, vi povas skribi = With the help of a pen, you can write.
La gladiatoro kun glavo batalas kontraŭ la glatiatoro kun tridento = The gladiator with a sword fight against the gladiator with a trident.
Vi povas skribi per plumo. = You can write by a pen.
Kun plumo vi povas skribi = With a pen, you can write. ≈ If you have a pen, you can write.
Kun helpo de plumo, vi povas skribi = With the help of a pen, you can write.
La gladiatoro kun glavo batalas kontraŭ la glatiatoro kun tridento = The gladiator with a sword fight against the gladiator with a trident.
BoriQa (Переглянути профіль) 5 листопада 2014 р. 12:25:50
sergejm:So this rule is a not good translation of the Russian First Book.That explains it, a bad translation of the First Book.
Thanks for the examples.
I feel better now.